Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
FILEBLOG wants you to know about LOOT TERRORISTS and important corporate skilz by Grumah 07/29/2007, 3:37am PDT

From there the link leads to:

It's some crap about how mmos are preparing the current generation for the boring tedium of work. I guess that is true? Except that their idea is that it will prepare a bunch of fantasy faggots to become ceos instead of office drones.

Pileflanetbolg also gets this wrong immediatly:

While we spent a lot of time loathing the same instance [that IS true!] we ran over and over and over and over and over and over and over again - we also know the real reason we were there wasn't really the loot or killing Ragnaros for the 47th time but the people you spent in hell with you and the sense of team accomplishment.

No, I was just there for the loot. It wasn't worth the time spent for it anyway, and the human "interaction" (faggotry) element just made it harder to put up with.

So fuck you bilzurd.

BUT WAIT! According to the IBM think tank:

For example the ability to bring together distributed groups of individuals - often who are on a volunteer or semi-volunteer basis - to be able to make more rapid decisions under conditions of uncertainty.

That doesn't really apply to wowcrap though. My emphasis added. In any world of shitfuck raid, even with a perfect explanation of the strat you might still die like 10 times before beating a boss once. I don't think that would work in a business setting.

FileBOLG complains:

For instance a Loot Ninja, I mean that's a corporate robber just waiting to happen. And griefers, well they are obviously perverted killers with no sense of moral judgment.

Hey, blizzard already has an ultra complicated TOS, they must already be prepared to prevent such simple and obvious problems with bad players... OH WAIT THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THOSE TWO THINGS, JUST PEOPLE WHO SAY "FUCK" IN CHAT.

(I do like the boss fights in wowcraft, but the other shitbag players aren't worth my TIIIIIIMUH)
FILEBLOG wants you to know about LOOT TERRORISTS and important corporate skilz by Grumah 07/29/2007, 3:37am PDT NEW
    You know what else has good boss fights? NT by Jerry Whorebach 07/29/2007, 4:18am PDT NEW
        Zelda? Godhand? Half Life? Dow? VTM? NT by Grumah 07/29/2007, 5:17am PDT NEW
            The corporate world. ^___^ NT by Jerry Whorebach 07/29/2007, 5:37pm PDT NEW
                .... you're fired NT by Grumah 07/29/2007, 7:13pm PDT NEW
                    *missile* NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 07/29/2007, 7:31pm PDT NEW
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