Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
My first wow character was going to be a gunslinging paladin. :( by Jhoh Cable o_O 06/15/2007, 2:51pm PDT
I made a dwarf paladin with Jso's dwarf warrior and I was going to swear to just use guns no matter how wimpy they would be compared to the more cliched weapons like axes and fuckin whatever faggot shit.

We walked around for like a straight hour in the opening area because we thought we found a gun vendor, and it turned out they only sold ammo (a pretty funny trick blizzard apparently pulled by saying "gun vendor" that sells no guns). Only later did we find out that paladins can't use ranged weaponry, period. Only hunters can use ranged weapons. Like, at all. Warriors and rogues can equip them only for firing single shots that will initiate combat and pull enemies.

The game revealed itself to close off all creative thought such as that and pigeonhole all classes into only specific weapon types, and even the ranged weaponry was only usable if you were within 8-30 yards of an enemy or some shit. Boring. But of course some people fully accept it instead of seeing it as the outdated gameplay shit that it is. I guess every game company can't be Valve (WHY NOT?).

Then there's the whole enemy system that ended up being more limited. You were only allowed to fight 1 to 2 enemies at one single time, and they were designed to totally slaughter you no matter how good you were or how many potions you would blow.

I thought that would've been awesome to be a gunslinger paladin though, but that would actually be original for a change, so blizrd wouldn't do it.
My first wow character was going to be a gunslinging paladin. :( by Jhoh Cable o_O 06/15/2007, 2:51pm PDT NEW
    You should sign up for the WAR beta. by Worm Chaotic Lonely Ranger 06/15/2007, 3:09pm PDT NEW
    Hello! by Hellgate London 06/15/2007, 3:34pm PDT NEW
        Yeah well Hecklocation London is obviously going to be a better game. by Jhoh Cable o_O 06/15/2007, 4:38pm PDT NEW
            AND HAWT PALADIN AYUSSES AM I RIGHT? >_^ NT by Hellgate London 06/15/2007, 9:28pm PDT NEW
                Ideally. by Jhoh Cable o_O 06/15/2007, 10:49pm PDT NEW
        the one huge glaring downside to Hellgate and Warhammer: they're still MMOs NT by Grumah 06/15/2007, 11:36pm PDT NEW
    For like the first 30 levels my warrior used an ammo pouch :( NT by Grumah 06/15/2007, 11:34pm PDT NEW
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