Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
Kid's dying wish is to unnerf shamans, blizzard laughs in his FACE by Jhoh Cable o_O 05/23/2007, 1:40pm PDT
Okay that's not the actual story but the premise is almost the same. Borrowed time has never been spent so frivolously.

A dying kid. It is sad. That's why I didn't make the post title "HOW MANY DYING KIDS DOES IT TAKE TO CHANGE THE FISHING TIMER FROM 30 SECONDS TO 20?" The answer to that is the same as how many guitars it takes to rock (just one).

But hey, guess what the kid outlived?

shaman boards wrote:

Shaman Class RIP: 11/23/2004 - 5/23/07

The new WOW patch came out which adds an unnecessary nerf to shamans, fucking up their mana efficiency for a class who already had such bad mana efficiency that if you threw like 5 heals in a row you'd be out of mana.

Also I can no longer log in to the forum with my expired account. YOU FUCKED ME FOR THE LAST TIME BLZRD (RUUUUUUUU 2 ATTACK POWER UPGRADE) the shaman class is dead (to me *points to self*).

When the Alliance invaded Draenor after the Second War, the orc shaman Ner'zhul hastily opened several dimensional portals in order to escape. The resulting magical backlash ripped the world apart.

Yes, they actually wrote that, I didn't make it up to make fun of the story.

Nether Drake

The Netherwing faction and quest line continues and the long awaited Nether Drake becomes available. The Nether Drake is a special 280% speed epic flying mount that is obtainable through solo and small-group play. The quest to obtain one will be difficult, but the reward will surely show your dedication to the Netherwing cause as you soar through the skies of Outland on your very own ethereal drake.

In the amaaaaaaaazing lore filled world of World of Warcraft, "the quest to obtain one will be difficult" means a chain of 20 quests, kicked off by buying a bunch of trade skill shit off the auction house (bolts of NETHERweave cloth whatever fuck, everything in the expansion is just higher level shit with the word "nether" slapped on the front, along with fel iron and fel steel) and having to pay more gold on top of that to the quest dude, then you get a quest to rep up with a faction, then you get a quest to collect 20 fetch quest items from some enemy type in some enemy zone, then more of that, then a full clear of some instance, then an elite in the world (requiring at least 2 other people, meaning no one will finish this shit, EVER), then maybe some more fetch questing and then another elite who will drop a singular quest item that lets you get the nether drake.

Level 70 players will be able to help the ogres of Ogri'la battle invading forces and engage in new and exciting quests, such as a repeatable and ever popular bombing-run, this time using your own flying mount but with a dangerous twist!

Too little too late. A bombing run quest doesn't make up for (literally) hundreds of copy/paste fetch quests jizzed into the game to fill time. "HEY I GOT AN IDEA TO MAKE THIS FETCH QUEST EVEN LONGER, MAKE THE DROP RATE OF THE QUEST ITEMS REALLY REALLY LOW. What's that, one of our customers is literally dying waiting to get into a good instance group? Hey tell him to join a better guild (psh we, at blizzard, do not care)." I put that in quotes to let you know that that is not me talking.

The Black Temple is now available for play and Illidan awaits. Are you prepared?

It should ask Do you care? Y/N and the N would be a link to a page to cancel your account.

But for all those nerfs, shamans did get one buff (by proxy).

You can now interact with wanted posters while mounted.

After 2 years.
Kid's dying wish is to unnerf shamans, blizzard laughs in his FACE by Jhoh Cable o_O 05/23/2007, 1:40pm PDT NEW
    PS: if someone has a wow account could they post that to the shaman boards? by Jhoh Cable o_O 05/23/2007, 1:47pm PDT NEW
    ONLY YOU CAN SAVE THE OGRES OF COBRA-LA NT by Jerry Whorebach 05/23/2007, 7:48pm PDT NEW
    Re: Kid's dying wish is to unnerf shamans, blizzard laughs in his FACE by Quentin Beck 05/23/2007, 10:32pm PDT NEW
        Yes someone should post it to the shaman boards except they'll think it's a keyl NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 05/24/2007, 6:22am PDT NEW
    Just got a fatal error while playing wow with this page open, linked it to bliz NT by Grumah 05/23/2007, 10:51pm PDT NEW
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