Forum Overview :: Doom III
Re: CGW Comes Out United For Its Doom3 Review. by Souffle of Pain 11/04/2004, 3:00pm PST
Bill Dungsroman wrote:

You see, Coffey reads Qt3 at least occasionally, and he has read some or all of the Doom 3 threads there, which are about 30/70 For/Against the game. Nobody finds it 5 Star material, much to Coffey's (and, I would guess, Jeff Green and most of CGW's staff) chagrin, thus the article. Also, he's a wimp who has posted maybe 5 times total on Qt3, none of which were in Doom 3 threads. He posted awhile back when his writing was challenged, essentially just to say he's above speaking to internet riff-raff.

Coffey was giving out lap dances in that Star Wars MMRPG, so while he won't talk to internet riff-raff, he is happy to shake his ass in front of them.

/lick /lick /lick

CGW Comes Out United For Its Doom3 Review. by Bill Dungsroman 11/02/2004, 12:05pm PST NEW
    Erik talks about Doom 3 in AIM (plus a special appearance by Half-Life 2) by Fussbett 11/02/2004, 10:12pm PST NEW
    Re: CGW Comes Out United For Its Doom3 Review. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/03/2004, 3:55pm PST NEW
        Their lack of moral values reflect...well, nothing. by jeep 11/04/2004, 3:51pm PST NEW
            Re: Their lack of moral values reflect...well, nothing. by Creexul :( 11/04/2004, 4:47pm PST NEW
    Re: CGW Comes Out United For Its Doom3 Review. by Souffle of Pain 11/04/2004, 3:00pm PST NEW
    Re: CGW Comes Out United For Its Doom3 Review. by Jeff Green 11/24/2004, 11:57pm PST NEW
        OMG IT'S REALLY HIM! NT by Screaming Girls 11/25/2004, 1:06am PST NEW
        Holy shit. by Bill Dungsroman 11/25/2004, 1:27am PST NEW
            Well that was embarassing enough. by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 1:56am PST NEW
                The guy at never heard of a Jeff Green? NT by I need even further clarification 11/25/2004, 2:06am PST NEW
                    Re: The guy at never heard of a Jeff Green? by Jeff Green 11/25/2004, 9:18am PST NEW
                        Dare not speak my name. by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 1:09pm PST NEW
                            My you've gotten unfunny, Fussy-betty. NT by Zseni 11/25/2004, 1:12pm PST NEW
                                Who are you? Jeff Green? NT by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 3:56pm PST NEW
                                    Less weepy vagina monologues next time. by Zseni 11/25/2004, 7:00pm PST NEW
                                        Jesus, you're weird. Project much? NT by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 7:03pm PST NEW
                                            Re: Jesus, you're weird. Project much? by Zseni 11/25/2004, 7:37pm PST NEW
                                                Listen, Jeff Green. I've had just about enough of you. by Fussbett 11/25/2004, 11:34pm PST NEW
                                                    And you're an unfunny cunt. NT by Zseni 11/26/2004, 7:00am PST NEW
                                                        And you're a fat bitch. NT by JUST GO HOME AND EAT SOME PIE 11/26/2004, 10:46am PST NEW
                                                            HOT PIE by Entropy Stew 11/28/2004, 2:38am PST NEW
                            Or what? by Bill Dungsroman 11/26/2004, 3:44pm PST NEW
                                Let's get to the bottom of what's wrong with me. by Fussbett 11/26/2004, 4:13pm PST NEW
                                    Problem: FUNNAY not found. New Search String... by Zseni 11/27/2004, 2:37am PST NEW
                                        Problem: FUNNAY not found. Error, buffer reached max size, exiting... by foolio, Zseni 11/27/2004, 3:02am PST NEW
                                            You may stop posting here forever now, thanks for the lame screenshots, goodbye. NT by Mystero 11/27/2004, 5:10am PST NEW
                                                Those words cut deep, like a sawblade in HL2 cuts deep. Right to the bone! by foolio 11/27/2004, 11:00am PST NEW
                                                    I remember us all laughing whenever you replied with, "Coward!" by Mystero 11/27/2004, 12:41pm PST NEW
                                                        Wait, now you're getting me confused with...who are you confusing me with? by foolio 11/27/2004, 1:09pm PST NEW
                                                        Re: I remember us all laughing whenever you replied with, "Coward!" by whydirt 11/27/2004, 5:25pm PST NEW
                                                        Re: I remember us all laughing whenever you replied with, "Coward!" by Creexul :( 11/30/2004, 4:55am PST NEW
                                            Faggot NT by Zseni 11/27/2004, 6:34am PST NEW
                                                On writing like Zseni by Better Zseni Impersonations Inc. 11/27/2004, 7:11am PST NEW
                                                    But this sounds like you by Mysterio 11/27/2004, 7:40am PST NEW
                                                    Re: On writing like Zseni by Choson 11/27/2004, 7:48am PST NEW
                                        Humour is subjective. by Fussbett 11/27/2004, 4:49am PST NEW
                                            Yes it is and yours is subjectively bad. NT by Zseni 11/27/2004, 6:32am PST NEW
                                                You failed at riling me up, so now you go after Fussbett? You so crazy! NT by Fullofkittens 11/27/2004, 8:22am PST NEW
                                                    You are a zero player, a non event. You are an afterthought. You never matter. NT by Mystero 11/27/2004, 12:47pm PST NEW
                                                        How do you fuck up the default blank author field, you tard NT by Mysterio 11/27/2004, 1:53pm PST NEW
                                                            Reflect on the amount of time and effort put into that post, oh mediocrity lord. NT by Mysterio 11/27/2004, 3:29pm PST NEW
                                                                "Mediocrity lord"! Brilliant! NT by Mysterioso 11/27/2004, 9:09pm PST NEW
                                                                    Thank you for providing an example. NT by Mystardo 11/28/2004, 3:06am PST NEW
                                                    P.S. Your musical career is as viable as Creex getting laid by anyone but Jsoh NT by DAYUM, that's harsh! 11/27/2004, 1:12pm PST NEW
                                                        zzz... NT by Fullofkittens 11/27/2004, 3:00pm PST NEW
                                                        OH YEAH WELL YO MAMA SO FAT NT by Mysterio 11/27/2004, 3:48pm PST NEW
                                                    Close! by Fussbett 11/27/2004, 3:54pm PST NEW
                                                Only subjectively, thank goodness by Fussbett 11/27/2004, 1:55pm PST NEW
                                    Actually, by Bill Dungsroman 11/27/2004, 6:31pm PST NEW
                    I fucked Veronica NT by Jeff Green 11/27/2004, 11:52am PST NEW
                        HIGH FIVE! NT by Umberto 11/27/2004, 3:29pm PST NEW
            BDR never fails to embarass :( by I need clarification 11/25/2004, 2:54am PST NEW
                Isn't working for Sony on PS2 titles a lot like working for Sega on Dreamcast? by Mister Fancy Pants 11/25/2004, 11:11am PST NEW
                Re: BDR never fails to embarass :( by Jeff Green 11/25/2004, 11:48am PST NEW
                    Re: BDR never fails to embarass :( by Lizard_King 11/25/2004, 9:15pm PST NEW
                        That's horrible. Everyone stop apologizing to Jeff Green for Caltrops. by I need clarification 11/29/2004, 11:22pm PST NEW
                            Why do jews have big noses? Air is free. NT by Lizard_King 11/30/2004, 12:41am PST NEW
                                Why do broke coders hate Jews? Because we're rich. NT by I need clarification 11/30/2004, 10:53am PST NEW
                INC never fails to embarass (himself) by Bill Dungsroman 11/26/2004, 3:13pm PST NEW
                    I AM A FUCKING GOD OF WAR by Jeff Green 11/26/2004, 3:35pm PST NEW
        Wow by Choson 11/25/2004, 5:01pm PST NEW
            IT'S LIKE EATING A DELICIOUS SPONGE! NT by Creexul :( 11/25/2004, 5:44pm PST NEW
    MARRIED... WITH CALTROPS by Ray of Light 11/27/2004, 3:41pm PST NEW
        It's like Hee Haw meets Jonestown in here NT by Entropy Stew 11/27/2004, 6:16pm PST NEW
            Re: It's like Hee Haw meets Jonestown in here by Bill Dungsroman 11/27/2004, 6:23pm PST NEW
                OMG GAY PM NT by Entropy Stew 11/27/2004, 8:13pm PST NEW
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