Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
So, some first comments about WOW: Orange Crusades here. by Jhoh Cable o_O 01/23/2007, 8:32pm PST
Jso and Kered and Btren and I have been playing the game in expansion mode now, which lets you go onto a new planet basically. Bloo bloo lore shit who cares.

When we first got the expansion and ran through the dark portal (really original name there blizzard) the other side was basically like the GTA San Andreas riot mode where you had a few hundred players killing every single quest target enemy in the game, clearing them off twice over as you are walking around trying to find dudes to kill. There was an in game failsafe for this where enemies would just respawn faster depending on the kill rate there, so the game wasn't broken.

Most of the quests are the same sort of normal quests you do in the previous WOW, except they're in a way easier, and the armor and weapon upgrades you get from them are actually better than shit you'd get doing molten core for MONTHS!!!!!!!!!! with all the raid instances with the fucking ct raid mod and KTM threat meter and guys on vent telling you to put eyes of the beast on your hotbarrrrrrrrrrrrr? and memorizing a series of rote boss fight strategies doing molten core for 4 hours to get no armor. Now that's all totally unnecessary because all that gay gear (which still did look cool) is blown out of the water stat wise by completely normal non epic rewards and even some of the random drops from killing enemies. The usual "kill this number of boars and pick up random drop meats from them" kind of quests still exist but there are about 50 quests in hellfire peninsula (the opening country) and you can do almost all of them in the first few days and replace every piece of shit piece of gear you've been sitting around with since lvl 50 because before this expansion the only way to get good gear was either quit your job to do PVP battlegrounds grinding to get high warlord rank (which people actually did quit their jobs and marriages and lives to do) or do those gay and now officially pointless raid instances.

Not only is all the gear better and the quests are easier, but the very first dungeon you can do might only take an hour. Even the first dungeon at lvl 10 or 20 might take 2 hours, or even 3, and possibly 4 if you're with a bunch of really stupid faggots. And then the boss drops (there are only 3 bosses, 2 of them being not much of a problem to smoke) are still even better than molten core gear.

One of the best new features of the expansion is that recently one of the patches made all the PVP gear not require ranks to get. Used to be that you'd have to get rank 14 to get the best PVP weapons in the game, and that required 10 hours a day every day for a few months of playing nothing but capture the flag king of the hill or alterac valley game modes (usually just AV because that would give the most honor anyway). AV is fun and all for a while, but a while isn't even as long as a week straight. Unless you have no soul and the game is more important than life to you. I read an article about people who did that and I didn't even want to imagine what that was like doing nothing all day long but playing the same one battleground game over and over again for a couple months straight just so you could get the high warlord shield or gun or whatever. Anyway when blizzard changed this (and everyone started popping up with the easier to get high warlord shit which looks cool) the faggots who wasted their lives getting it the boring way threatened to sue blizzard and wanted to start some kind of grassroots movement to sue blizzard for making their gear too easy for the plebian pleebs to get instead of the elite drone gamers that they are.

That's how it is with the molten core and blackwing lair gear, anyone who actually worked to get what was once the best gear in the game now officially wasted all their time. That includes the penay arcade fags who used to make fun of wow players who wanted purpz for casual players because there were some people who didn't want to spend 4 to 6 hours a night running the same cave prefab with lava pasted in (molten core) forever. Now anyone at lvl 58 with the expansion can go right in and get swee gear and the funay arcade guys are just eating assloads of crow because they never realized that playing a boring instance for 20 hours a week isn't really fun, the fun part is having the gear you'd get from it, so might as well actually do the fun part. And I think blizzard finally realized some part of that. So once you get to the expansion the game becomes much less of a time sink. It still takes a lot of time to play but it's finally more like the Diablo 2 variety where you will keep getting better shit the more you keep going. Just the shit in hellfire is like blizzard's reward to the players for suffering through the first 60 levels of substandard gear, quest rewards, and quests period (those chicken escort quests still fucking blow ass even at lvl 64 when I could solo it, when of course they give me no xp, THOSE QUESTS NEED TO BE DELETED FROM THE GAME). There are plenty of flight paths all around, the new environments look quite nice, and there's a fuckin crazy quest where you bomb an enemy camp from the back of a flying mount and it's really fun as shit.

HOWEVER. The game is still a gay time sink, the new races are retarded and don't even need to exist (I wouldn't even want to meet the FAGGOTS who thought the new races would be any kind of a selling point) and the game really needs a tome of town portal, instead of a hearthstone that takes a full fuckin hour to cool down.

Overall: actually quite positive. Better than everything in the original WOW.
So, some first comments about WOW: Orange Crusades here. by Jhoh Cable o_O 01/23/2007, 8:32pm PST NEW
    Here's a screenshot of some adventures. by Jhoh Cable o_O 01/23/2007, 8:50pm PST NEW
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