Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
Blizzard brags about adding content for casual gamers, too little too late. :( by Creexul :( 08/14/2006, 4:34pm PDT

Like with the other dungeons we've discussed, Coilfang will be broken up into separate areas that can be tackled by players who may not be able to make the commitment to spend all night raiding.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow an instance you wouldn't have to spend all night running? WHY IS BLIZZARD BEING SO MERCIFUL

Once the town is captured, it will spawn some tough computer-controlled guards, but it will also let you fight your way into the outskirts, then eventually set up flight towers at the edges of these ravines that you can use to hop onto pre-set flying mounts, then go on bombing runs on the town, pelting the guards and any enemy players with damaging bombs as a first assault before charging in and capturing the settlement's control points, which act like the timed flags in shooters like Battlefield 2--stand near them long enough, and the control point will "convert" to your faction's control.

Too little too late on trying to add variety to MMOs. An MMO by nature is a grind fest slog with occasional item selling. MMOs where you go around hitting enemies to raise your XP bar should've gone away a couple years ago. They should be getting to the kind of MMOs I would make by now. Hell, they should already release MMOs by me.

Even with World of Warcraft being the best MMO to date, it is still a mistake of a game that is wrecked by its own design. Not only because it's an MMO, which is enough to make any game shitty, but because it doesn't do enough to be good.

Here is a delightful qt3 post about the inherent flaws of MMOs and WOW. You don't have to read it because it's not by me though (and I'm the expert, after all I played WOW for a while, only so people couldn't say HOW WOULD YOU KNOW YOU DIDN'T EVEN PLAY IT like they say about everything else I'm always right about). 8(

Here's the text anyway! ^_^

DeepT wrote:

Originally Posted by LesJarvis
Folks, it's an MMO. No matter what Blizzard does, the people who have the most time to spend will have the best stuff. If you're waiting around for that to change it may be time to move on.

There is a fine distinction here, and I am not sure you are on target. Maybe you are, but I am not sure.

Let me give you an example of what is OK and what is not OK.

Catamus-Prime has uber loot and plays 8 hours a day, 12 on weekends. He gets 2 pieces of uber loot a week.

Joe-Casual doesn't have uber loot YET. However, Joe can get the same uber loot Catamus-Prime can get, only it will take him a lot longer.

Not OK:

Catamus-Prime has uber loot and plays 8 hours a day, 12 on weekends. He gets 2 pieces of uber loot a week.

Joe-Casual will never get any uber loot. Even if he puts the same hours Catamus puts in, because they are not in the same large singular blocks of time, he will never get anything.

In theory, a balanced game would mean that to get the phat purple hammer of doom means you spend 40 hours of time to get it. If Catamus does that in a week or Joe does it in 4 weeks, they both should have the same uber phat item (or equivalent).

That is what they should and can fix. There is no reason a MMOG can't develop a balanced system to work both ways for casuals and catassers.

I guess "catassers" means people who play 10 hours a day. I don't see why they need a special word for that, because in order to even tread water in an MMO you have to play that much. Again, a mistake I would know how to fix, and apparently no one else does because they are incompetent. THEY ARE INCOMPETENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, I have all the answers, because I know what would make a great game (and no one else does even though they spend all the time complaining on forums about why mages can't turn invisible and retarded meaningless shit like that). Not only would I know how to make a great game in a non-faggoty game universe, but I even know how to make World of Warcraft (a game in the most cliched game "lore" universe) good.

1. Get rid of the word "lore." Censor it like a swear word, whatever you have to do. It is to MMOs what limp bizkit was to music. Don't act like you didn't think limp bizkit just plugged in AND TOTALLY RAWKED back then because you did, now you are on the bandwagon of everyone who realized that it was faggot shit on a snowglobe level. That's what the word "lore" will be. I don't even give "lore" a full year before it comes to that. This includes people talking about how great the "lore" is in a game's backstory. It will only take a few people making fun of them, they'll start by getting mad and using the same old lines everyone uses when they deserve to be trolled, like "you probably can't appreciate it because you are not intelligent like me, and I read books," then they'll phase all the dumb fucking "lore" talk out of their lives and pretend it never happened.

2. Punish players who play more than 5 hours a day. Oh that's right. I went there. 8( There's nothing you can possibly do that will make me unable to think or say that on the internet so go ahead and piss your pants now.

3. Reduce strength of all enemies, normals and elites. If you want the same challange to still be there, just cut an enemy's strength in half and make a second kind right next to him. Therefore, if you wanted to fight more of that enemy, there would be more, and if you wanted to only fight a few to get through an area, it would TAKE YOU LESS TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMUH. Still, this isn't all blizzard's fault, this is a flaw inherent in MMOs. But still, blizzard is obsessed with padding their game out because it adds to more playing which means more time required for players which adds up to a bigger bottom line. I could almost understand that, except it is gay.

4. Get rid of Molten Core. Just "select all" and delete. If you really want to, start over, FROM SCRATCH. Replace all your stupid fucking SINGULAR raid strength enemies, that 40 players have to all coordinate on vent in order to properly kill one at a fucking time. Here's a neat idea, replace them with giant waves of enemies, or at least multiple level 65 enemies or something. Replace the stupid map layout with something actually good, like Alterac Valley. I don't know who came out of nowhere to come up with that, but it's one of the only good area designs and concepts in the entire game. Unfortunately it's all a big PVP battleground, which means it's really kind of wasted. It would've been better off as one of the endgame raid instances. The best part is that you wouldn't really need all 40 players all working ON THE SAME SINGLE ENEMY to get through it all. Hell, they could make it so you don't even need to all be in the same guild or communicating with each other. Then they really could make it 4 hours and who'd give a shit because you could team up OR go solo if you want. You could have people riding back to the camp at the bottom of the map to turn in shit to power up the friendlies in the area and so on blah blah, and you could have people on the front lines. Imagine if Molten Core was more like that. And you could still get your fuckin Earthfury shoulders or whatever from doing it. However it would never happen, because it would be too interesting and playable. And then people would be fucking shitting right THROUGH their pants and chair from gut sobbing about how BUT IF IT IS THAT EASY TO GET THE GOOD ITEMS THEN IT WILL MAKE THEM NOT AS VALUABLE AND HOO BLOO WHAT ABOUT THE LITERAL 400+ HOURS I TOOK JUST TO GET ALL MY TIER 2 GEAR. Fuck those faggots. Instead of playing MMOs, they should die screaming of AIDS in front of their fucking parents. They're just like AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAdead. Then they can go get a second life........... in hell.

5. Get rid of the whole concept of "raid strength." Enemies in a raid should not be harder than enemies anywhere else the same level. It makes the whole number meaningless. You see a level 60 enemy, you think it's soloable, you see a level 60 elite enemy, you think it's doable with another guy there or if you use a lot of your good items that take you hours to farm materials for. You see a level 60 elite enemy in Zul'Gurub, you need at least 10 or 15 people just to fight it. If this is how it's going to be, why even have level numbers? Just make everyone level 1 for the whole game fighting enemies that have no numbers. People only accept the current way of monster levels because they are stupid faggots who talk about why night elves are so superior to other races.

6. Make all the instances shorter and easier. Wailing Caverns at level 15 or 20 should not take even 2 hours to complete, start to finish. It should take an hour and a half. 1:45 tops, and that's if you have a really shitty party. 2 hours only if you are farming it, solo.

7. Make all content soloable, from beginning to end. You might think it's impossible, but it isn't. If I didn't already know ways to do it, I'd just come up with one. I've already come up with a couple in this post.

7. Raise the shaman's friendly totem range to 40 or 50 yards. Reduce mana cost of shaman's healing spells, by ANYTHING just do it. Add more opportunities for shamans and paladins to actually do something in raids other than stare at people's health bars the whole time.

8. If you want to really start adding crazy creative variety to your game, adding PVP capturable areas is a nice idea, for Battlefield 2. Strafing these areas with machine gun fire from the side of a zepplin though, that's where you'd really start.

And yes, it can be tough knowing everything. 8(
Blizzard brags about adding content for casual gamers, too little too late. :( by Creexul :( 08/14/2006, 4:34pm PDT NEW
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