Forum Overview :: World of Warcraft
Audio of high level raid leader. by Fussbett 03/21/2006, 3:50pm PST
Audio of high level raid leader: ...of course after starting off nerdy, he has a meltdown.

I'm posting a link to ytmnd AND it's WoW related. What am I, Jhoh?
Audio of high level raid leader. by Fussbett 03/21/2006, 3:50pm PST NEW
    There's like 2 others of the same guy on ytmnd of him flipping out. NT by Creexul :( 03/21/2006, 5:32pm PST NEW
    Re: His Accent by Jerry Whorebach 04/17/2006, 3:45am PDT NEW
        No :( by Ray of Light 04/17/2006, 10:16am PDT NEW
            Dutch? NT by Wow! 04/17/2006, 7:23pm PDT NEW
            I was sure he was an Indian... by Pieter 04/17/2006, 9:39pm PDT NEW
        Do you honestly think he sounds like the Trailer Park Boys? by Voyons Donc 04/19/2006, 3:04pm PDT NEW
            No by Jerry Whorebach 04/19/2006, 10:03pm PDT NEW
                Re: No by Voyons Donc 04/20/2006, 4:10pm PDT NEW
                    Re: No by Jerry Whorebach 04/21/2006, 4:13am PDT NEW
            Re: Do you honestly think he sounds like the Trailer Park Boys? by Pieter 04/20/2006, 1:32am PDT NEW
                Re: Do you honestly think he sounds like the Trailer Park Boys? by Voyons Donc 04/20/2006, 3:54pm PDT NEW
            HEY NEW SEASON JUST STARTED RIGHT? NT by Creexul :( 04/20/2006, 3:53am PDT NEW
    WoW is serious business by Bodybag 04/18/2006, 11:27am PDT NEW
        BDR on Qt3 by Flavio 04/18/2006, 3:02pm PDT NEW
            That was a good catch. by Lizard_King 04/18/2006, 7:32pm PDT NEW
        Awesome thread by Fussbett 04/18/2006, 4:50pm PDT NEW
            He mistook erik for chet. NT by Creexul :( 04/18/2006, 6:55pm PDT NEW
            Re: Awesome thread by Quentin Beck 04/19/2006, 1:32pm PDT NEW
                Re: Awesome thread by Monty Cantsin 04/19/2006, 1:34pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Awesome thread by Mysterio 04/20/2006, 4:27am PDT NEW
                Re: Awesome thread by laudablepuss 04/19/2006, 2:20pm PDT NEW
            Re: Awesome thread by Col. Schickn 04/19/2006, 2:08pm PDT NEW
            On internet fighting and drama and stuff by I need clarification 04/19/2006, 2:50pm PDT NEW
        Was I behind it all along? by Creexul :( 04/18/2006, 6:49pm PDT NEW
        I love ruining other peoples' jokes by worm 04/19/2006, 3:39pm PDT NEW
            :( NT by Worm THE RUINER 04/19/2006, 4:36pm PDT NEW
                Also the stealer of funny jokes and shitting on them like a basement dwelling sc NT by Creexul :( 04/20/2006, 3:52am PDT NEW
                    scuba diver? by Worm 04/20/2006, 10:54am PDT NEW
                        scNT by Quentin Beck 04/20/2006, 10:55am PDT NEW
                            you fucker NT by Mysterio 04/21/2006, 3:00am PDT NEW
        ANALOGY ROUND UP: the Serenity Now WoW thread (long, AIM) by Fussbett 04/24/2006, 5:01am PDT NEW
            Re: ANALOGY ROUND UP: the Serenity Now WoW thread (long, AIM) by Jerry Whorebach 04/24/2006, 8:17am PDT NEW
            Matthew Gallant would like it more if it featured dinosaur pictures, maybe. NT by Bodybag 04/24/2006, 12:12pm PDT NEW
                UPDATE: dogpile :( by Bodybag 04/24/2006, 2:27pm PDT NEW
            People think whatever they think on the internet is right (eg matt, wrom). NT by Creexul :( 04/24/2006, 1:32pm PDT NEW
                Oh yeah and they think they have the right to never be offended, ever. NT by Creexul :( 04/24/2006, 1:33pm PDT NEW
                    Yeah, being offended has to be the number four or three worst thing on the net. NT by Worm 04/24/2006, 1:55pm PDT NEW
                        CREEX IS RIGHT, I'M SUCH A FUCKING PERSON(ONE OF THE PEOPLE). NT by Worm 04/24/2006, 1:57pm PDT NEW
                            Re: CREEX IS RIGHT, I'M SUCH A FUCKING PERSON(ONE OF THE PEOPLE). by Tommy Tiptoes 04/24/2006, 3:03pm PDT NEW
                                Re: CREEX IS RIGHT, I'M SUCH A FUCKING PERSON(ONE OF THE PEOPLE). by Worm 04/24/2006, 3:12pm PDT NEW
                                    I love all of you. ;__; by Worm 04/24/2006, 3:26pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: CREEX IS RIGHT, I'M SUCH A FUCKING PERSON(ONE OF THE PEOPLE). by Creexul 04/28/2006, 3:27pm PDT NEW
                                        I'm happy with that clarification. NT by Worm 04/28/2006, 3:33pm PDT NEW
            SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO: WORSENING by Lizard_King 04/24/2006, 7:01pm PDT NEW
                Re: SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO: WORSENING by Souffle of Pain 04/25/2006, 8:02pm PDT NEW
                    Re: SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO: WORSENING by Lizard_King 04/26/2006, 9:15pm PDT NEW
            *applause* by Fullofkittens 04/24/2006, 8:46pm PDT NEW
                Re: *applause* by Lizard_King 04/24/2006, 9:32pm PDT NEW
                    Thirded NT by up with pod people 04/24/2006, 9:40pm PDT NEW
            Good stuff. by Monty Cantsin 04/24/2006, 9:54pm PDT NEW
            Re: ANALOGY ROUND UP: the Serenity Now WoW thread (long, AIM) by Ray of Light 04/25/2006, 11:56pm PDT NEW
                Re: ANALOGY ROUND UP: the Serenity Now WoW thread (long, AIM) by I need clarification 04/26/2006, 1:16am PDT NEW
                Fag und Drang? NT by Lizard_King 04/26/2006, 9:16pm PDT NEW
                Re: ANALOGY ROUND UP: the Serenity Now WoW thread (long, AIM) by Fussbett 04/27/2006, 12:22am PDT NEW
                    Re: ANALOGY ROUND UP: the Serenity Now WoW thread (long, AIM) by Lizard_King 04/28/2006, 4:36am PDT NEW
            Bumping this to turn it into an article NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/04/2006, 12:00pm PDT NEW
            One step closer to the pizza milkshake! by Fussbett 10/04/2008, 3:54pm PDT NEW
        Re: WoW is serious business by Senor Barborito MetaFilter Post 05/06/2006, 5:02pm PDT NEW
            Re: WoW is serious business by Blobbio 05/06/2006, 6:29pm PDT NEW
    More of that guild. by Creexul :( 04/26/2006, 12:49am PDT NEW
        Different group, same results. by Creexul :( 04/26/2006, 1:24am PDT NEW
            Re: Different group, same results. by fgpckt 04/26/2006, 7:39pm PDT NEW
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