Forum Overview :: The Zionist Media Conspiracy
GRIZZLY MAN by Fussbett 12/17/2005, 3:39am PST
"Am I a great man? Maybe."

Grizzly Man is a Werner Herzog documentary about Timothy Treadwell, who we all agree is crazy for going to live with dangerous grizzly bears in Alaska. After seeing this movie, I take it a step further and say that Timothy is a vainglorious liar and repressed homosexual who was building his TV reel. His homosexuality is a no-brainer once you see him interact with his bear friends both friendly ("Hello! I'm here with Mr. Chocolate!") and fiercely ("No! Don't do that! I love you! I love you! Thank you for being my friend!"). Finally a big effeminate speech about much easier it would be if he were gay, but no, Timothy Treadwell loves women, yes he does! Then he is killed and a bear eats him. That's not a spoiler though.

Anyway, a great movie and fun to discuss with people afterwards, especially if they don't agree that he's gay.
GRIZZLY MAN by Fussbett 12/17/2005, 3:39am PST NEW
    A little research. by Wow! 12/17/2005, 7:33pm PST NEW
        Re: A little research. by Fussbett 12/18/2005, 8:12am PST NEW
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