by bombMexico 09/30/2005, 2:40am PDT |
this surprises me more than anyone, but there's a chance this game hasn't gotten any better.
What is it about the culture of America that makes people freak out so much over things they simply have no control over? Is it just that lack of control that is so frightening? Is it just that most of the people that came over to the States were running from something looking for safety in the first place? Whatever the reason, disasters have taken hold of our psyches lately, though admittedly not without cause.
Lucky he admitted to it, i was about to take him to task! The writing gets worse, much worse than the first preview even, which was written by David Adams. this one's by Dan Adams, who either is terrible at choosing pen names or is just also retarded. although really, the idea of two retarded brothers fagging up the exact same place is just absur-ZING!
Players will run around as the main character and either save or kill people depending on your style .... A warning to the wicked however, the game isn't necessarily about pure carnage and deciding to be an evil jerk will have its consequences.
Do whatever you want! Then reload when you're killed and do it the right way!
The extinguisher pretty much acts like a flamethrower in any other games, but instead of lighting people up, it puts them out and there's a lot of people running around on fire in this city.
i haven't been playing enough shitty games i guess, is this true?
The level of difficulty will change according to the level the threat advisory is at. So while the it may be the point to run around and save people, it's not entirely necessary to save everyone you see, especially if you don't give a crap about how hard the game gets. Of course, as American points out, it'll eventually get to the point that it will be nearly impossible to get through the game if things get too out of hand.
Me and the guy previewing the game were pretty winded from describing so much awful, so American jumps in and lends a hand. Thanks pal!
The goal is to give players a choice in how they play the game in a very linear setting through a strong narrative. If you think Max Payne, you're on the right track.
Jesus, way to reach for the stars and everything kid, but you're not fooling anyone. LIKE GONE WITH THE WIND, THIS IS ALSO GOOD TO WATCH
Levels are set up to be corridors for the simple idea that gamers don't always want to be in a sandbox.
well if McGee said it and ign wrote it, then it must be true! la de da da waitaminute
Apparently the way girls and guys play the game show this. While guys run to find the biggest gun they can immediately and start blowing away the bad people, women will tend to run through the game using only the fire extinguisher and crowbar, saving nearly everyone.
First he lies to me, and now he's calling me stupid. I can't imagine what look he was expecting on my face after dropping a bombshell like "Girls don't know how to play videogames," but shocking it ain't.
He'll often ending killing the people he's trying to save for an entire level, but that's part of the sick fun and humor that goes into the game. Anthony has his own way of doing things whether it be jumping up and down on a man having a heart attack to punting a baby across a chasm to his mother bringing South Park's "kick the baby" routine to mind.
as both are fucking retarded and are repeated over and overblablabla i think it's become clear that this is just a joke preview article and ign is pulling some elaborate prank on me. i know i should be flattered by the attention, but i'm mostly ashamed. Believing a person could honestly sit down and write these terrible, awful things, really now!
In fact, South Park comes to mind a few times for the simple and understandable art style to the crazy sense of humor. This isn't a game for the timid. Aside for the blood and guts, humor tends towards the mature. At least I know I didn't tell any dirty butt plug jokes to kids back when I was a camp counselor.
thank christ, BDLA has done away with all of that confusing detail that tends to infest games.
That writing and humor is a major part of what makes Bad Day L.A. what it is.
I...understand...what you're saying. (blink twice if you are being held hostage)
They've written about 25,000 words into this game to tell the story of Anthony, his little sick kid zombie, Mexican yard worker, Beverly Hills bimbo, and blood thirsty sergeant friends. For comparison, there's about 30,000 words going into the big Lionhead production Black & White 2.
For comparison, the last Final Fantasy game had like a billion jillion words. Each new FF installment overtakes the last as best game ever, APPARENTLY, what with all the words and such.
the zombies in this game innovatively look like normal people. Will this be to the next "fast zombie" concept that revolutionizes the genre and paves the way for awesome new zombie movies? |
does American McGee still hate you? by bombMexico 04/28/2005, 12:54am PDT 
TAKE THE SICK KID TO AMBULANCE. by mark 04/28/2005, 1:14am PDT 
ps by mark 04/28/2005, 1:20am PDT 
Re: ps by bombMexico 04/28/2005, 1:10pm PDT 
Hopefully, he'll fuck up so bad no one will clone GTA 3 again! NT by Worm 04/28/2005, 5:20am PDT 
GTA meets Doug by Rafiki 04/28/2005, 9:45am PDT 
So let's count. 1. Black 2. Homeless 3.Veteran(?) by Worm 04/28/2005, 5:23pm PDT 
Is this a lithtech 1.0 game or something? What the hell? NT by laudablepuss 04/28/2005, 3:14pm PDT 
Contour lines are _not_ lazy cell shading. They are EDGE! NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/28/2005, 3:55pm PDT 
Something I just noticed by mark 04/28/2005, 5:21pm PDT 
Re: Something I just noticed by Andrew 04/28/2005, 5:40pm PDT 
Wait, I'm confused. Is that Bad Day LA again? NT by laudablepuss 04/28/2005, 5:49pm PDT 
WA WA WA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NT by lumiere 04/28/2005, 6:30pm PDT 
Re: does American McGee still hate you? by I need clarification 04/28/2005, 6:38pm PDT 
Re: does American McGee still hate you? by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/28/2005, 9:16pm PDT 
There is a local morning show in Los Angeles called by Andrew 04/28/2005, 11:20pm PDT 
So it's American McGee's edgy version of Postal? NT by Mischief Maker 04/30/2005, 8:39am PDT 
American McGee's Conker's Bad Fur Day in Postal LA NT by Fullofkittens 04/30/2005, 9:35am PDT 
update by bombMexico 09/30/2005, 2:40am PDT 
Spot the "tell" that their illustrator is gay by Ray of Light 09/30/2005, 3:24am PDT 
That billboard is all kinds of awesome humor by I need clarification 09/30/2005, 4:01am PDT 
Also it looks like this isn't a zombie game anymore. by Creexul :( 09/30/2005, 7:22am PDT 
I want everyone to make a fist and look at their thumb by Rafiki 09/30/2005, 10:40am PDT 
Good eye NT by Fussbett 09/30/2005, 11:55am PDT 
Re: update by E. L. Koba 09/30/2005, 7:08pm PDT 