Forum Overview :: Battlefield 2
Next Tuesday, for one. by Bill Dungsroman 08/24/2005, 7:50pm PDT
Why, exactly, don't you like me? I'm stuck on what the problem is. I've written some stuff for the site, you just say it's terrible, and I'm a terrible writer. No matter what the issue or discussion is, or who it's with, you deliberately take the side opposite mine. Always. I make fun of Creexul, you hound me for that. I simply post about anything, you have to fling some old insult over something I did once. You hate that I'm an admin here. I've never done one wrong thing as an admin. Years go by and all you ever do is post after me, insult me and ridicule me for everything I've ever said ever. Nobody does that except you. It isn't particularly funny, it never garners you any praise. I'm just left wondering why I'm such a bane on your existence, when all I do is post - much less frequently than I used to - and write an article once a year. Do you really hate me and want to me to leave? You must, you've used every single thing I've ever said to you in private on IM against me here. I'm only here to post once in awhile and help ICJ. I don't need to do any of that. I can leave, it's no problem. I'm tired of being drawn into the Axis of Boring Faggots you count yourself a part of, along with Creexul, Ray, Fussbett, and whoever else. You dudes totally have the majority.

You guys want to keep pushing out the regulars, I can't stop you. I'm tired of even trying. I'm tired of every thread imploding into fucking self-fellating cuntspray, with every one of you boring, annoying fuckholes pretending to be like Creexul. One of your latest Big Time Insults is to tell me I'm always saying I don't care. I don't care. This place is old, dull, and does little more than repeat it itself over and over. You can thank yourself and Creexul for the most part on that account. It's not my fault. You've all turned into mute or, worse, overly gregarious parroting dillholes because this place has turned itself into one big screamingly gay post-modern Andy Kaufman homage. Hooray, nobody can talk about anything, because everyone ignores what the other person says and smirks over how inherently right they are. It's Brawl Hall without sig pics. What, you guys are all smarter than the dudes on Brawl Hall? Your flagship poster is demonstrably retarded. You lose.

It's fucking sad that that's how a bright guy like you gets his kicks INC: being a dullard, pretending to be a retarded shut-in loser like Creexul for...I don't know what for. I suppose that's part of the Super-Double-Secret-Probation Metajoke that I could not possibly fucking care less about the punchline of at this point. Ha ha ha ha, wow. Good one guys. Posting here sucks, the only guy trying to be funny is immediately shunned by all of you jealous, sorry malcontents. Hey bombMexico, do yourself a favor and save the energy for something, anything, better than this dead, dry hole.

ICJ, forget my football article. I'm not writing it. Not for this site. I don't have the time. I don't have the time for your fantasy league, either. Find someone else to be the admin here, I never did much of anything anyway, am I right guys? It's not my site, why do I even pretend it is? I don't regret the fun I've had, but I'm not having it anymore, which makes coming here stupid for me. I have no means to kill the site and I wouldn't anyway. It will get along just fine without me. My nick will disappear from the internet in a few months. I'm having some writing published and I don't want any of it to ever be connected to this stuff. You can keep anything I've written up, I don't care, but I don't want to be connected to any of it, by strong hearsay or otherwise.

In closing, I'd just like to say the only dudes I ever liked here that are still here are ICJ, ES, Fussbett, cNo, and bombMexico. The rest of you suck and are part of the problem to one degree or another. You're all stupid dysfunctional faggots and I hope you never father one single child and spread whatever appears to be violently wrong with the fucking festering scummy lot of you. Enjoy your waning hours as denizens of a warmed-over, pathetic OMM retread full of clodhopping catamites eager to outdumb each other, because the only places where last is first is on Caltrops and in a pants-shitting contest, kids.

Try harder at being goddamned fruits.

--Bill Dungsroman

PS this isn't somebody else pretending to be me. ICJ can confirm the proof: I've always thanked him at the end of every email I've ever sent him, and used my real name.
Questions by TAFKAM 08/06/2005, 6:12pm PDT NEW
    Re: Questions by Creexul :( 08/06/2005, 6:21pm PDT NEW
        Mics by Fussbett 08/07/2005, 2:42pm PDT NEW
            Re: Mics by FABIO 08/07/2005, 4:09pm PDT NEW
                Re: Mics by Fussbett 08/07/2005, 9:35pm PDT NEW
            Re: Mics by TAFKAM 08/07/2005, 5:30pm PDT NEW
                Fucking mics. by Bill Dungsroman 08/07/2005, 8:55pm PDT NEW
                    Or don't plug in the headphone jack. NT by Fussbett 08/07/2005, 9:32pm PDT NEW
                        Doesn't work (I tried). NT by Bill Dungsroman 08/08/2005, 1:12pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Fucking mics. by TAFKAM 08/07/2005, 9:47pm PDT NEW
                        speaker + mics by FABIO 08/07/2005, 10:51pm PDT NEW
                            Re: speaker + mics by TAFKAM 08/08/2005, 5:35am PDT NEW
                                Can't you just get one for the neck of your shirt? by Worm 08/08/2005, 6:26am PDT NEW
                                    "lavalier" NT by Fussbett 08/08/2005, 12:51pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: "lavalier" by Worm 08/08/2005, 4:24pm PDT NEW
                            Has that happened to you? by Fussbett 08/08/2005, 8:31am PDT NEW
                                the OTHER possibility by FABIO 08/08/2005, 11:17am PDT NEW
                        Damn, what kind of rig do you have to accomplish that? by bink 08/08/2005, 8:28pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Damn, what kind of rig do you have to accomplish that? by TAFKAM 08/09/2005, 3:17am PDT NEW
                                Had to do it. by TAFKAM 08/13/2005, 7:40pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: Had to do it. by FABIO 08/20/2005, 10:53pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: Had to do it. by TAFKAM 08/21/2005, 10:49am PDT NEW
                                            See that fabio? by Andreas 08/21/2005, 11:45am PDT NEW
                                                Re: See that fabio? by Ray of Light 08/21/2005, 12:45pm PDT NEW
                                                    I think I'm going to throw up. by Bill Dungsroman 08/21/2005, 10:55pm PDT NEW
                                                        Does the thought of hard work always have that effect? by Ray of Light 08/22/2005, 12:38am PDT NEW
                                                            Re: Does the thought of hard work always have that effect? by TAFKAM 08/22/2005, 5:08am PDT NEW
                                                                i enjoyed the eyerolling response to anyone questioning his insane habits. by bombMexico 08/22/2005, 5:07pm PDT NEW
                                                                    Re: i enjoyed the eyerolling response to anyone questioning his insane habits. by Ray of Light 08/22/2005, 5:46pm PDT NEW
                                                            I don't quite get your title zinger, you being you and me being me and all. by Bill Dungsroman 08/22/2005, 11:36pm PDT NEW
                                                                I'm also sick of Ray thinking he's clever by I need clarification 08/23/2005, 12:22am PDT NEW
                                                                Why is it important to you to feel you're better than I am? by Ray of Light 08/23/2005, 12:40am PDT NEW
                                                                    I would love to see Bill research a new chair for Ray! by FABIO 08/23/2005, 12:51am PDT NEW
                                                                        I'd love for you to get a fucking life and stop playing video games by Bill Dungsroman 08/23/2005, 1:08am PDT NEW
                                                                            owner of Caltrops is above video games NT by FABIO 08/23/2005, 3:12am PDT NEW
                                                                                One trick pony misses point. NT by go figure. 08/23/2005, 4:51am PDT NEW
                                                                                    anyone else know what this guy is talking about? NT by fabiNO 08/23/2005, 11:05pm PDT NEW
                                                                    Because I....heyyyyy, WAIT JUST A DANG MINUTE! by Bill Dungsroman 08/23/2005, 1:26am PDT NEW
                                                                        Chill, Dungsroman by Ray of Light 08/23/2005, 2:55am PDT NEW
                                                                            Re-heat your arguments, Light. by Bill Dungsroman 08/23/2005, 1:20pm PDT NEW
                                                                                Make it stop by Chillum 08/23/2005, 1:46pm PDT NEW
                                                                                    Re: Make it stop by Bill Dungsroman 08/24/2005, 1:43am PDT NEW
                                                                                        That BDR, I tell you he's UNTROLLABLE. NT by I need clarification 08/24/2005, 6:41pm PDT NEW
                                                                                            Next Tuesday, for one. by Bill Dungsroman 08/24/2005, 7:50pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                Well, guess who wins? (ME) NT by Creexul :( 08/24/2005, 8:22pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    PS: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NT by Creexul :( 08/24/2005, 8:22pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Fuck you. You're shit. NT by Worm 08/24/2005, 10:14pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    No, you don't by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/25/2005, 1:47am PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Re: No, you don't by Creexul :( 08/25/2005, 2:56am PDT NEW
                                                                                                            Hello, rookie by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/25/2005, 3:05am PDT NEW
                                                                                                                Re: Hello, rookie by Creexul :( 08/25/2005, 3:38am PDT NEW
                                                                                                                I could watch MFFE pound his head against this wall all day. by I need clarification 08/25/2005, 8:28am PDT NEW
                                                                                                                    Why? NT by Worm 08/25/2005, 9:08am PDT NEW
                                                                                                                    You're both pathetic and need a new schtick. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/25/2005, 12:08pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                        Wait, are you calling me pathetic? NT by I need clarification 08/25/2005, 12:45pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                            Remember when you used to write posts like this, look at them, and not hit submi NT by yeah, submint Worm 08/25/2005, 1:06pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                                haha like there's a "mint" worm. by I need clarification 08/25/2005, 3:21pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                                    Most predictable forum post of all time. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/25/2005, 3:46pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                                        Okay, I'm going to suggest ICJ disable posting and we can predict everything. by Worm 08/25/2005, 3:54pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                                        I knew SOMEONE would say that, but I only SUSPECTED it would be you. NT by I need clarification 08/25/2005, 9:20pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                What, no poll? NT by Bodybag 08/24/2005, 8:36pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                This looks like a job for ctrl c ctrl v. by Creexul :( 08/24/2005, 9:00pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: This looks like a job for ctrl c ctrl v. by Souffle of Pain 08/24/2005, 9:09pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Re: This looks like a job for ctrl c ctrl v. by Creexul :( 08/24/2005, 10:24pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Tony 08/24/2005, 9:37pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/24/2005, 9:46pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by E. L. Koba 08/25/2005, 12:40am PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Welcome back! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/25/2005, 12:42am PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Ray of Light 08/25/2005, 1:23am PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Huh, the place sure has gone to shit since I left by tatters 10/06/2005, 11:45pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        That isn't you, because I am you and I've shut up for a long time. by Mysterio 10/07/2005, 10:43pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                            No, I am Spartacus by American Asshole 10/10/2005, 10:00am PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Zsenicorpse 06/11/2006, 1:55pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Temporary solution: William Forsythe's joie de vivre! NT by conflictNo 06/11/2006, 2:49pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                            Or this: Advanced abseiling with Roland Gift! by conflictNo 06/11/2006, 11:30pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/12/2006, 2:19am PDT NEW
                                                                                                            Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Entropy Stew 06/12/2006, 4:54pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                The busses of the world are deeply disappointed. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 06/13/2006, 12:31am PDT NEW
                                                                                                        I am become death, the destroyer or worlds. by Fussbett 06/12/2006, 3:56am PDT NEW
                                                                                                            CORRECTION by Fussbett 06/12/2006, 4:02am PDT NEW
                                                                                                            Re: I am become death, the destroyer or worlds. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/12/2006, 3:21pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                he said post a new PICTURE, pal! by Blobbio 06/12/2006, 4:38pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Just this guy who wastes time 08/24/2005, 10:06pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Creexul :( 08/24/2005, 10:26pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                not replying to every single post would have helped :( NT by FABIO 08/24/2005, 11:50pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                Sorry to see you go by Entropy Stew 08/25/2005, 12:32am PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: Sorry to see you go by Motherhead 08/25/2005, 1:55am PDT NEW
                                                                                                Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Motherhead 08/25/2005, 2:12am PDT NEW
                                                                                                Damn by TAFKAM 08/25/2005, 5:18am PDT NEW
                                                                                                Homosayswhat where are you? by laudablepuss 08/25/2005, 12:25pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: Homosayswhat where are you? by I need clarification 08/25/2005, 12:44pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Re: Homosayswhat where are you? by laudablepuss 08/25/2005, 12:50pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                I never liked any of you ANYWAAAAAAY by FABIO 08/25/2005, 12:30pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                I am part of the problem. by Mischief Maker 08/27/2005, 9:33pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Colombian thugs play DDR, which is a strange sight to see. by casual observer 08/31/2005, 10:36am PDT NEW
                                                                                                SPFFFGGHHFF!!! (Spit Take) by mark 08/28/2005, 3:22pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                Bill, this is pathetic. I'm leaving you (in my new car!). NT by Your girlfriend 08/28/2005, 3:56pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    You're not very good at jokes. Perhaps you should submit news stories. NT by Clapstro 08/28/2005, 6:42pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        nice try, Bill. I'm still not coming back to you. vrOOM VROOM! NT by Your girlfriend 08/28/2005, 7:18pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                More people BDR likes by not BDR, but this is totally real. 08/29/2005, 9:15pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: More people BDR likes by Mischief Hata 08/30/2005, 11:14am PDT NEW
                                                                                                        I blame the loss of the balance of power. by casual observer 08/30/2005, 11:42am PDT NEW
                                                                                                            Re: I blame the loss of the balance of power. by Creexul :( 08/30/2005, 11:49am PDT NEW
                                                                                                            Wait, did you just say that Caltrops sucks? Let me write this down... NT by Fussbett 08/30/2005, 5:44pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                Compared to what it used to be? Yes. NT by casual observer 08/30/2005, 6:34pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                                    hey hey heeeeeeeeeey now NT by Rose Glasses 08/30/2005, 8:45pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Oh shit by Rafiki 08/30/2005, 1:16pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Re: Oh shit by Entropy Stew 08/30/2005, 4:32pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                            pffft, my Scanners pic was a much better interpretation NT by Flabio 08/30/2005, 4:55pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: More people BDR likes by bombMexico 08/31/2005, 2:56am PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Re: More people BDR likes by laudablepuss 08/31/2005, 12:25pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                            Re: More people BDR likes by TAFKAM 08/31/2005, 12:36pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        I've been annihilated, apparently. by casual observer 08/31/2005, 1:50pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                I aint buying it by The Office Mysterio 08/29/2005, 9:39pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: I aint buying it by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/29/2005, 9:43pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Parker Brothers 06/06/2006, 5:37pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Choson 06/06/2006, 6:33pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by Creexul :( 06/06/2006, 6:38pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                            My impression of bdr's post. by Creexul :( 06/06/2006, 7:45pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Another awesome BDR zinger by Choson 06/06/2006, 8:08pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                        Break him! NT by Quentin Beck 06/07/2006, 10:29pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                    Re: Next Tuesday, for one. by I need clarification 06/18/2006, 2:57pm PDT NEW
                                                                                                13,000 POSTS BITCHES by Qt3 reporter 12/07/2008, 6:52am PST NEW
                                                                                                the end of an era by Ray of Light 05/23/2017, 8:29am PDT NEW
                                                            Chafing: bane of the sedentary working man by Entropy Stew 08/23/2005, 2:49am PDT NEW
                                            Psh you bought the Doom 3 expansion? NT by Creexul :( 08/21/2005, 12:25pm PDT NEW
                                                fag by FABIO 08/21/2005, 1:53pm PDT NEW
                                                    Re: fag by TAFKAM 08/21/2005, 3:05pm PDT NEW
    Re: Questions by FABIO 08/06/2005, 6:33pm PDT NEW
        Re: Questions by FABIO 08/06/2005, 6:37pm PDT NEW
            Re: Questions by TAFKAM 08/06/2005, 7:18pm PDT NEW
                Re: Questions by Creexul :( 08/06/2005, 7:40pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Questions by FABIO 08/06/2005, 7:42pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Questions by TAFKAM 08/06/2005, 11:26pm PDT NEW
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