Forum Overview :: Doom III
Because this is ironic and recursive by Universal Plan B 05/31/2005, 1:12pm PDT
which draws computer geeks like moths to a flame.

Also, because cool old games never work if you run 2k or XP. Dosbox sucks for any kind of action game, and I don't feel like maintaining a win98 or linux partition just for Doom.
Play Doom in Doom 3 by Fussbett 05/29/2005, 7:43pm PDT NEW
    Re: Play Doom in Doom 3 by extarbags 05/30/2005, 2:25pm PDT NEW
        I guess this doesn't seem practical, now that I think about it. NT by Fussbett 05/31/2005, 8:09am PDT NEW
            Ooh, aren't you a sarcastic prick. NT by extarbags 05/31/2005, 11:44am PDT NEW
        Because this is ironic and recursive by Universal Plan B 05/31/2005, 1:12pm PDT NEW
            I wonder if you could play Doom 3 from WITHIN Doom 3!!! Whoa... NT by Stoner 05/31/2005, 1:26pm PDT NEW
            Try this, homo friend! by Fag-o-spectrometer 05/31/2005, 1:43pm PDT NEW
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