Katamari Damaci (short) by Kthor 09/26/2004, 3:03pm PDT 
Re: Katamari Damacy (short) by kthor 09/28/2004, 9:13am PDT 
Additional great points by curst 09/28/2004, 9:54am PDT 
Amusing item descriptions by FABIO 09/28/2004, 10:48am PDT 
how do you lose the game? what is the challenge? NT by Space Marine 09/28/2004, 1:32pm PDT 
You lose the game by running out of time, the challenge for you by kthor 09/28/2004, 1:55pm PDT 
How dare I ask about loss conditions! NT by Space Marine 09/28/2004, 2:35pm PDT 
Ask about prostitutes NT by Mysterio 09/28/2004, 11:55pm PDT 
Talk about by Entropy Stew 09/29/2004, 10:34pm PDT 
Pop by kthor 09/30/2004, 9:39am PDT 
In cars. :( NT by Creexul :( 09/30/2004, 10:41am PDT 
Re: how do you lose the game? what is the challenge? by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/30/2004, 11:27am PDT 
Re: Additional great points by FABIO 11/15/2004, 11:05pm PST 
I'm still trying to break 900 NT by Worm 11/16/2004, 11:37am PST 
I will boldly predict that 900m is impossible, as I can't even break 880m NT by curst 11/16/2004, 12:20pm PST 
903m NT by kthor 11/16/2004, 12:57pm PST 
Wow this is the biggest moon ever. We'll have a party tonight. Ha-ha-ha-haha by Worm 11/16/2004, 6:56pm PST 
That and leaving plenty of time at the end for islands, rainbows, God, etc. NT by kthor 11/17/2004, 8:33am PST 
god = the thunder god that's flying around? NT by FABIO 11/20/2004, 2:16pm PST 
This is a PS2 title, and not an Xbox game. by Mood: Perplexed 09/30/2004, 1:04pm PDT 
EBgames.com has copies even now. $20. NT by CattleHumper 10/10/2004, 11:53pm PDT 
my local EB was sold out by FABIO 10/11/2004, 12:30am PDT 
That's why it's safer to do your shopping online. by CattleHumper 10/11/2004, 1:34am PDT 
outpost.com has free shipping on it NT by Thrift Worm 10/11/2004, 10:01am PDT 