Forum Overview :: Soul Reaver 2: Dissonance of Irony
Re: Yes by whydirt 08/28/2003, 1:03pm PDT
foogla wrote:

whydirt wrote:

MM breaks the fourth Wall wrote:

I've been doing WISPIRG door canvassing for 4 summers now, though towards the end of this summer I switched to HRC and had the amusement of having guilty liberals assume I was an ass-pirate and stumble all over themselves not to offend me. I'm going to street canvass in Cali for a year and then apply to become a PIRG fellow.

Right now I'm trying to decide between the Berkeley and San Diego offices. Berkeley sounds more fun, but more expensive, has better public transportation, but's prone to crappier weather. Besides the aforementioned four things, San Diego has the advantage that if it turns out I suck at street canvassing, the door folks work in the same office so it's no problem switching back to what I'm good at. Which one I'm going to is still undecided. Suggestions?

So how are you connected with the PIRGs?
I've never been to Cali, so I can't help you with the office decison. I was the INPIRG student board chair for 2 years, a field manager for PIRGIM 4 years ago, and an AD for the Indy office the summer after that. I know way too many people in the movement. IM me at whydirt2 if you want me to drop names or other TOP SECRETS. Or not.

Why would somebody steal whydirt1 from you?

I stole it from myself so that I could hide away from an ex-girlfriend. =(
SF Bay area of San Diego area. WHERE SHOULD I MOVE? NT by Mischief Maker calling all fruits 08/26/2003, 2:18pm PDT NEW
    Without even having lived there by Senor Barborito 08/26/2003, 2:38pm PDT NEW
        The office is in Berkeley, but I am poor. Could she elaborate here? NT by MM misses V 08/26/2003, 3:16pm PDT NEW
            Are you working for PIRG again? NT by whydirt 08/27/2003, 3:52pm PDT NEW
                Yes by MM breaks the fourth Wall 08/27/2003, 10:23pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Yes by whydirt 08/27/2003, 10:55pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Yes by foogla 08/28/2003, 4:58am PDT NEW
                            Re: Yes by whydirt 08/28/2003, 1:03pm PDT NEW
                        Realtime forums by MM in brief 09/04/2003, 9:15pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Realtime forums by whydirt, PATTY PATTY PATTY 09/05/2003, 1:50am PDT NEW
                    I did that... by K. Thor Jensen 08/28/2003, 9:44am PDT NEW
            Re: The office is in Berkeley, but I am poor. Could she elaborate here? by veronica 09/04/2003, 7:41pm PDT NEW
                Thanks! NT by MM in brief 09/04/2003, 9:13pm PDT NEW
    Bay Area, Berkeley by OGF 08/28/2003, 11:08am PDT NEW
        Re: Bay Area, Berkeley by Language Hitler 08/28/2003, 7:34pm PDT NEW
            Put Slappy on it, too, for that post title below. NT by Choson 08/28/2003, 9:37pm PDT NEW
                And you can climb aboard as well! by Slappy 08/28/2003, 9:57pm PDT NEW
                    mrs. johnson - Confused Child. I'm not even sure what to think. NT by mrs. johnson 08/28/2003, 10:55pm PDT NEW
                    Re: And you can climb aboard as well! by Choson 08/29/2003, 1:42am PDT NEW
        Isn't San Diego and Oakland seperated by like... many hundreds of miles? by Slappy 08/28/2003, 9:20pm PDT NEW
            I think you may be stupid. Care to confirm? by I need clarification 09/04/2003, 7:15pm PDT NEW
        Re: Bay Area, Berkeley by MM in brief 09/04/2003, 9:12pm PDT NEW
            Re: Bay Area, Berkeley by Averyone in CA 09/05/2003, 1:06am PDT NEW
            V says she managed in El Cerito for less than $800/mo. by Senor Barborito 09/05/2003, 1:16am PDT NEW
                Re: V says she managed in El Cerito for less than $800/mo. by OGF 09/08/2003, 9:54am PDT NEW
                    Yeah, this was like five years back. NT by Senor Barborito 09/09/2003, 11:21am PDT NEW
            Re: Bay Area, Berkeley by OGF 09/08/2003, 11:27am PDT NEW
                That's it. I'm moving. by Lizard_King 09/08/2003, 12:37pm PDT NEW
                Yeek! Seattle perhaps? by MM in brief 09/09/2003, 11:22pm PDT NEW
                    Capitol Hill, the nice gay district, has gone to ghetto & Bellevue is pricey by Senor Barborito 09/10/2003, 1:15am PDT NEW
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