Forum Overview :: Lemonade Stand
Why you are so very wrong by Chemdem 09/21/2004, 4:28pm PDT
Worm wrote:

Yeah but each of those scenarios are lacking the other parties that are weaker, dumber, and more of a detriment. In the show it's not "DA DONALD"'s job to take away the people who are simply vulnerable it's to take away the people who blew the most cock.

There was nobody weaker, dumber, and more of a detriment to themselves and the rest of the group than the faggot braggart whom got himself shitcanned. The fucktard put the spotlight on himself in an attempt to upstage his potential boss and lost. Your collossal niavete aside, there are two basic things that employers look for before they hire someone; competence and professionalism. One must be able to do the job necessary and be able to work with everyone else in a productive way. Mr. I don't need your stinking immunity, clearly got results, but was a tremendous liability because he lacked professionalism. No business wants a broadside from its very own loose cannon. Maybe thats why he is now unemployed.

Anyway this all boils down to you stupidly having expectations and thinking that you know the rules. Newsflash hotshot, the fact that you are surprised/disappointed proves how wrong you are. Go get yourself a job and be put in a situation where you hire someone.
Last night's Apprentice by Worm 09/19/2004, 8:12am PDT NEW
    Nintendo, Episode I, and the Olympics by Chemdem 09/21/2004, 12:49am PDT NEW
        Re: Nintendo, Episode I, and the Olympics by Worm 09/21/2004, 6:59am PDT NEW
            Why you are so very wrong by Chemdem 09/21/2004, 4:28pm PDT NEW
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