by Fussbett 06/23/2003, 2:56pm PDT |
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy TerritoryNo one seems to care that this is a free game that you download for free and it's free. In the age of everything being free on the internet anyway, gamers are like "Well, they didn't hand-delivery it to my house or anything so, it's not really a big deal." The other reason I think there is less buzz about this game is because you need the world's greatest computer to acheive a bottom-out of 50 fps on most maps. Well, I happen to now have the greatest computer in the world AND I never played RtCW when it came out in 2001 so I am all over RtCW:ET and loving it. LOVING IT. Gaining experience points and new abilties across different maps! Ordering artillery support with your binoculars! Stealing the pants from your victims to pose as an enemy soldier! ...and I could go on and on about the little touches. With the five different character classes, plus the many different weapon load-outs per class, the game feels really different all the time. I don't know how complicated the original RtCW maps were, but I'm also loving how the maps in ET have different "stages". My favourite being "Gold Rush" where the Allies must break into an Axis controlled room and steal a tank. The tank then winds it's way through the tight city roads before arriving at the front door of the bank, where it blasts a hole through the wall so that the Allies may steal back the Nazi Jew gold. As an Axis soldier, you're first playing defense to stop the tank from being repaired, then offense as you try to stop the tank's progress through the city, and finally defense again during the GREAT end battle in front of (and inside) the bank. Ebb and flow! Loving it. On the downside, as a snipe fan, I'm finding the sniper rifles to be grossly inaccurate.
Don't step on the cock mine! |
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) by Fussbett 06/23/2003, 2:56pm PDT 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) by Lufteufel 06/23/2003, 8:53pm PDT 
FilePlanet by Fussbett 06/23/2003, 8:58pm PDT 
Re: FilePlanet by Lufteufel 06/24/2003, 11:51pm PDT 
Re: FilePlanet by E. L. Koba 06/25/2003, 1:23am PDT 
Re: FilePlanet by Live Studio Audience 06/25/2003, 5:59pm PDT 
Re: RtCW: Enemy Territory (free) by Live Studio Audience 06/23/2003, 9:33pm PDT 
It's like they fixed everything I didn't like about the test... by Arbit 06/24/2003, 6:21am PDT 
ET is taking over my CS clan :( NT by foogla 06/24/2003, 6:04am PDT 
Germans love to play Nazi :( NT by Fussbett 06/24/2003, 12:54pm PDT 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) by Unbitter 06/28/2003, 12:01pm PDT 
With limited lives and friendly fire, this game is brilliant. NT by mark 07/01/2003, 11:43am PDT 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) by Worm 08/05/2003, 12:05pm PDT 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) by Fussbett 08/05/2003, 8:58pm PDT 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) by Worm 08/06/2003, 3:06am PDT 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) by Fussbett 08/07/2003, 4:31am PDT 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) by FABIO 08/07/2003, 4:39am PDT 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) by Worm 08/07/2003, 8:03pm PDT 
The end. by Fussbett 08/09/2003, 2:47am PDT 
Re: The end. by Worm 08/09/2003, 6:10am PDT 
ET: needs X-men NT by Entropy Stew 08/09/2003, 6:40am PDT 
We could always keep every FPS soldiers and what not. NT by Worm 08/09/2003, 11:26am PDT 
Yeah, like Hexen and Thief and Half-Life and Max Payne and UT by Entropy Stew 08/09/2003, 11:54am PDT 
Re: Yeah, like Hexen and Thief and Half-Life and Max Payne and UT by Worm 08/09/2003, 12:46pm PDT 
Please don't say "Like Hexen." Someone might hear you. by Bill Dungsroman 08/11/2003, 1:01pm PDT 
I meant just a decent FPS with gay axes and bows not one with nodes. NT by Worm 08/11/2003, 1:47pm PDT 
hand to hand DOES NOT WORK in a FPS by FABIO 08/11/2003, 4:07pm PDT 
Epilogue by Fussbett 08/09/2003, 5:08pm PDT 
Re: Epilogue by Worm 08/10/2003, 1:02pm PDT 
The complexity is provided by the human opponents by Entropy Stew 08/10/2003, 1:26pm PDT 
Re: The complexity is provided by the human opponents by Worm 08/10/2003, 2:57pm PDT 
Re: The complexity is provided by the human opponents by Entropy Stew 08/10/2003, 4:09pm PDT 
Re: The complexity is provided by the human opponents by Worm 08/10/2003, 5:14pm PDT 
I smell a MtG fanboi NT by Mr. Cranky 08/10/2003, 5:45pm PDT 
Yea, I must be because I don't think RtCW:ET is very complex. NT by Worm 08/10/2003, 7:00pm PDT 
You should consult for the military NT by Entropy Stew 08/10/2003, 8:39pm PDT 
I don't even play the game. by Worm 08/10/2003, 8:43pm PDT 
I wasn't even inferring that MtG was gay. by Mr. Cranky 08/10/2003, 9:23pm PDT 
I don't play The Military either by Entropy Stew 08/10/2003, 10:37pm PDT 
The very end. by Fussbett 08/10/2003, 2:42pm PDT 
THE SUPERY DUPERY END by Worm 08/10/2003, 3:13pm PDT 
WORM YOU FUCKING LIMPDICKED FAGGOT by Hans Gruber 08/10/2003, 8:54pm PDT 
Re: WORM YOU FUCKING LIMPDICKED FAGGOT by Worm 08/10/2003, 9:19pm PDT 
No, no, no, no, no. by Hans Gruber 08/10/2003, 9:38pm PDT 
5 minutes into the second act. by Fussbett 08/11/2003, 12:48am PDT 
I prefer deathmatch. NT by Worm 08/11/2003, 10:10am PDT 
Just because it is more complicated doesn't make it complex by Roop Dirump 08/10/2003, 11:59pm PDT 
Imagine an airplane. NT by Fussbett 08/11/2003, 12:02am PDT 
Being ACTUALLY complicated rather than more complex than a simple game NT by Worm 08/11/2003, 12:07am PDT 
So it's more complicated than simple but not as complicated as complex? NT by Roop Dirump 08/11/2003, 2:03am PDT 
I'm writing a Quicken Total Conversion as we speak! NT by Entropy Stew 08/11/2003, 2:28am PDT 
also tired of class based crap by FABIO 08/05/2003, 9:53pm PDT 
The issue was not RtCW:ET versus BF1942 by Fussbett 08/05/2003, 11:33pm PDT 
OMG by Arbit 08/06/2003, 12:38am PDT 
Re: OMG by FABIO 08/06/2003, 1:44am PDT 
Re: OMG by Arbit 08/06/2003, 7:21pm PDT 
Except... by FoK 08/06/2003, 7:44pm PDT 
Well... by Arbit 08/06/2003, 8:52pm PDT 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) NT by Quentin Beck 12/14/2007, 1:30am PST 
Re: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free) NT by Quentin Beck 12/14/2007, 1:30am PST 