Forum Overview :: Soul Reaver 2: Dissonance of Irony
FUCK YOU GUYS!!! by CrackerBarrel 02/07/2003, 9:06pm PST
When are you going to learn that HEX is the only way CIVILIZED people argue!?!?!?! GOD, it's like talking to a WALL.
Well, this forum hasn't been soiled with arguments on Iraq. by CrackerBarrel 02/07/2003, 7:32pm PST NEW
    1 (nt) by creativepig 02/07/2003, 7:33pm PST NEW
        Re: 010001100100000101000111 [nt] by Lufteufel 02/07/2003, 8:28pm PST NEW
            FUCK YOU GUYS!!! by CrackerBarrel 02/07/2003, 9:06pm PST NEW
                #F11C 11 2 by Senor Barborito 02/08/2003, 5:09am PST NEW
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