Forum Overview :: Overboard!
Lost Ruins of Arnak by Mischief Maker 03/27/2025, 6:44pm PDT
I don't know if this is the biggest boardgame I've ever played, or if the vertically aligned board just makes it look that way, but this game is currently neck-and-neck with Quest for El Dorado for the favorite game in my collection:

It's a little bit worker placement, and a little bit deckbuilding, and a little bit racing, but the sum is greater than its parts.

There's also a card-based "AI" opponent that allows for solo play, or it can be incorporated into 2-player games to make it feel like a full 4-player faceoff bringing the entire board into play.

It's also the prettiest boardgame I've ever played. The artwork and the plastic tokens are a delight to behold. Czech Games is fast becoming my favorite publisher except...

Like all Czech Games, the box is just a box, and the game comes packed with a roll of the cheapest, shittiest bags they could find. Lord of the Rings Duel's box, for comparison, is designed like a swiss watch, holding everything snugly in place. Plus the box is unusually wide, so it doesn't fit on my shelf properly with everything else. But maybe their packaging is shitty like a fox because they're currently selling an $80 replacement box with normal proportions and plastic organizer trays (and the upcoming fourth expansion included).

Sorry for ranting so much about the box. I really love this game but it's such a pain to set up and take down, even after I replaced the shitty bags with decent Ziploc equivalents.
I'm designating this the boardgaming forum by Mischief Maker 02/03/2025, 4:34pm PST NEW
    Ticket to Ride by Mischief Maker 02/03/2025, 4:36pm PST NEW
    Mysterium Park by Mischief Maker 02/03/2025, 4:41pm PST NEW
    Codenames Duet by Mischief Maker 02/03/2025, 4:44pm PST NEW
        I HATE regular Codenames by fuk that 02/19/2025, 10:08pm PST NEW
    Lost Cities by Mischief Maker 02/03/2025, 5:10pm PST NEW
        This is why I got kicked out of law school, I guess. by Mysteriobama 02/04/2025, 7:09pm PST NEW
            Is my explanation confusing, or did you get overwhelmed trying it before? by Mischief Maker 02/04/2025, 8:18pm PST NEW
                Re: Is my explanation confusing, or did you get overwhelmed trying it before? by Mysteriobama 02/06/2025, 5:47pm PST NEW
    Onitama by Mischief Maker 02/04/2025, 7:57pm PST NEW
    Azul by Mischief Maker 02/04/2025, 9:12pm PST NEW
        If you like Azul, Art Society is a variant on it with different strategy by Fullofkittens 02/05/2025, 11:40am PST NEW
            Thanks for the suggestion! NT by MM 02/05/2025, 2:31pm PST NEW
        Re: Azul by Mysterio 02/07/2025, 7:23pm PST NEW
    Patchwork by Mischief Maker 02/06/2025, 9:00pm PST NEW
    Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle Earth by Mischief Maker 02/07/2025, 6:05pm PST NEW
    Dune: Imperium by Mysterio 02/07/2025, 7:39pm PST NEW
        Once you go Ix or Uprising by you never go back 02/08/2025, 10:13am PST NEW
            Wholehearted agree NT by Mysterio 02/08/2025, 1:53pm PST NEW
    Forbidden Desert by Mischief Maker 02/15/2025, 8:22pm PST NEW
    The Quest for El Dorado by Mischief Maker 02/19/2025, 4:38pm PST NEW
    Under Falling Skies by Mischief Maker 02/25/2025, 6:11pm PST NEW
    Compile by Mischief Maker 03/16/2025, 1:52pm PDT NEW
    Lost Ruins of Arnak by Mischief Maker 03/27/2025, 6:44pm PDT NEW
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