Forum Overview :: Site Comments
There is one shitwad MAGA poster that ruins everything, always by just ban the cunt already Today, 11:59am PDT
Tensions are hot. by dang 11/08/2024, 4:11pm PST NEW
    Thanks but everything is fine NT by whoops 11/08/2024, 5:05pm PST NEW
    Alas, people aren't going to be able to scream at the politicians/consultants by who just ruined their lives. -MM 11/08/2024, 5:49pm PST NEW
        I should be running this place. NT by Dan Flashes Boss 11/08/2024, 6:04pm PST NEW
            You couldn't get three votes. The one thing America is united on. NT by Yaris 11/08/2024, 8:31pm PST NEW
        It takes a lot of fortitude to not be gaslit by this stuff; NT by save it for the other forum 11/08/2024, 6:13pm PST NEW
    There is one shitwad MAGA poster that ruins everything, always NT by just ban the cunt already Today, 11:59am PDT NEW
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