Forum Overview :: Anachronox
Mischief Maker's unique and/or criminally underrated games list by Mischief Maker Yesterday, 2:01pm PDT
I didn't manage to have a full 10 must-have games for 2024, and the gaming scene has been remarkably dead these last couple months. (I suspect the whole Unity contract fiasco is to blame as everyone's busy porting their games onto Godot). I've been browsing through my older catalogue and seeing a number of games that were uniquely awesome but never got the credit they deserved.

So I'm claiming this forum for great games from over the years that I think never got the credit they deserved.
Mischief Maker's unique and/or criminally underrated games list by Mischief Maker Yesterday, 2:01pm PDT NEW
    Oh! Is Anachronox one of those games, MM? NT by Karmaboi Yesterday, 2:04pm PDT NEW
        I confess I've never played it, but it seems like it would belong. by Mischief Maker Yesterday, 2:22pm PDT NEW
    Victor Vran by Mischief Maker Yesterday, 4:44pm PDT NEW
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