Forum Overview :: Lively: Google Creates Something Terrible
Google Maps actually went along with the "Gulf of America" stupidity by Apple Maps too 02/13/2025, 11:49pm PST
What piss-chugging BITCHES
ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/26/2013, 3:10pm PDT NEW NT by Google apps still sucks though 07/26/2013, 3:16pm PDT NEW
        Thanks. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/26/2013, 7:37pm PDT NEW
    This thread will be the best advertising MicroSoft ever had by unintentionally of course 07/26/2013, 11:33pm PDT NEW
        I forgot the worst one. by Googlighting 07/26/2013, 11:37pm PDT NEW
    Every change and attempt to integrate Google accounts with Youtube is terrible by fabio 08/10/2013, 5:46am PDT NEW
        I now have to have a personal google account and a work google account by Fullofkittens 08/18/2013, 12:47pm PDT NEW
    "Navigation" vs "Google Maps" by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/10/2013, 9:27am PDT NEW
        You're right, the new google gmail android app update NT by is total shit 08/11/2013, 3:30pm PDT NEW
            how about the fact that gmail shuts your business email down if NT by 2% of your emails bounce 08/11/2013, 3:31pm PDT NEW
    Finally forced me to use the new, shitty "compose email" thing in gmail NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2013, 10:08am PDT NEW
    Can't Select All in gchat any more NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2013, 10:09am PDT NEW
    Each line in gchat has its own entry in the archive, when it used to group them NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2013, 10:13am PDT NEW
    Trying to figure out how to change the email subject in the new, terrible, gmail NT by compose 08/18/2013, 10:54am PDT NEW
        Christ, you got this one right. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/29/2013, 9:50pm PDT NEW
    When a Youtube video ends, the details auto-switch from About to Share even if I by Rafiki 08/18/2013, 11:52am PDT NEW
    Google updated their Authenticator app for no reason other to make it prettier by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 09/04/2013, 2:48pm PDT NEW
        Brilliant by Entropy Stew 09/04/2013, 8:30pm PDT NEW
    Youtube: added more clicks for everything. by The Happiness Engine 09/13/2013, 4:14pm PDT NEW
        Thanks, I was wondering where the annotation toggle had gone by Mysterio 09/13/2013, 5:37pm PDT NEW
            If Google ran the phone company, every conference call would default to include NT by your girlfriend and your mother. 09/13/2013, 6:05pm PDT NEW
        Remember when the CACHED link in Google search results was right there on the pa by Rafiki 09/13/2013, 6:14pm PDT NEW
        What happened to being able to right click and "stop download"? by re: 09/14/2013, 6:20am PDT NEW
        Here's something else I haven't done in months: sign into my youtube account by fabio 10/04/2013, 1:53pm PDT NEW
        This godawful change has been reverted NT by Entropy Stew 11/08/2013, 1:57pm PST NEW
            Do I need a new version of Flash or something, everything is still in the gear f NT by Rafiki 11/09/2013, 7:07pm PST NEW
                No idea, works on my machine by Entropy Stew 11/11/2013, 10:07am PST NEW
    Most recent maps update for Android is complete shit. by motherfuckerfoodeater 09/15/2013, 6:03pm PDT NEW
        Great point by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/15/2013, 6:09pm PDT NEW
            Re: Great point by Rafiki 09/15/2013, 8:02pm PDT NEW
                Wait. In this part of the thread are we claiming that Google Maps isn't good? NT by Because... side by side it's the be 10/04/2013, 7:18pm PDT NEW
                    No? I haven't used the phone app version since whatever shipped with the iPhone by Rafiki 10/07/2013, 7:22pm PDT NEW
                    It's terrible. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/07/2013, 7:29pm PDT NEW
                        Re: It's terrible. by motherfuckerfoodeater 10/07/2013, 9:57pm PDT NEW
                            I think Maps has gotten a lot better on new Android. by blackwater 11/02/2015, 11:57pm PST NEW
    Re: ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by You 09/17/2013, 5:11am PDT NEW
    Best one yet by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/19/2013, 9:11am PDT NEW
        What don't you like about iOS? It seems to fit your uses by Entropy Stew 09/19/2013, 9:40am PDT NEW
            Re: What don't you like about iOS? It seems to fit your uses by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/01/2013, 6:25pm PDT NEW
        Re: Best one yet by Rafiki 09/19/2013, 7:03pm PDT NEW
        Google is pushing me to yahoo so hard its almost like Sergey Brin and Marissa NT by Meyer are still fucking! 11/09/2013, 10:26pm PST NEW
    Youtube always starts videos where I left them, not at the beginning by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/01/2013, 6:21pm PDT NEW
    Auto-hiding my gmail folders unless I mouse over them, all of a sudden by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/04/2013, 10:24am PDT NEW
        I haven't touched it in months by fabio 10/04/2013, 11:09am PDT NEW
            The three tab thing in fairness, takes a second to disable. NT by Worm 10/04/2013, 11:50am PDT NEW
                It could also take a second to enable. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/04/2013, 12:35pm PDT NEW
    iGoogle by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/04/2013, 12:36pm PDT NEW
        I've been off iGoogle for 15 days now NT by and I feel fucking great! 11/09/2013, 11:15pm PST NEW
    Killed Google Alerts by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/22/2013, 4:32pm PDT NEW
        Google Alerts aren't killed. NT by What are you talking about 10/23/2013, 9:35am PDT NEW
            ... NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/23/2013, 10:59am PDT NEW
            Are people still getting Google Alerts? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/03/2015, 5:59pm PST NEW
                I get one maybe once a month. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/14/2016, 8:49am PST NEW
    Black scrollbar on black background for Youtube playlist. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/29/2013, 9:44pm PDT NEW
    Goddamn Chrome completely shits itself if you log into different gmail accounts by fucking newbie 10/30/2013, 6:49am PDT NEW
        Assuming you still need a solution for this, Chrome has "profiles" now by blackwater 11/03/2015, 12:02am PST NEW
    I guess Google fucked Youtube comments? by Rafiki 11/06/2013, 9:54pm PST NEW
    So can you just not make youtube comments anymore without Google+ ? by fuck 11/08/2013, 1:27pm PST NEW
    Youtube comment reply chains now open new browser tabs instead of expanding inli NT by Rafiki 11/09/2013, 7:05pm PST NEW
        They're still inline for me by Siskel and Ebert 11/09/2013, 9:06pm PST NEW
    Re: ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/12/2014, 8:32pm PDT NEW
    Need to request email of myself to view my stuff on for Google Drive on the web by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/14/2014, 11:29am PDT NEW
    Re: ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/27/2015, 6:55am PDT NEW has a free edition of word, excel, etc. They seem to work. by CattleHumper 03/27/2015, 10:53am PDT NEW
        Re: ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by The Happiness Engine 03/27/2015, 3:50pm PDT NEW
            Online banking? NT by fabio 03/27/2015, 4:39pm PDT NEW
    Can no longer play embedded Youtube videos without Javascript enabled NT by fuckers 07/19/2015, 11:45am PDT NEW
    Google is decoupling Google+ from everything by Rafiki 07/27/2015, 2:56pm PDT NEW
    the search page fading to white while I'm typing in a search phrase by Rafiki 08/04/2015, 10:29am PDT NEW
        How bout by Vested Id 08/04/2015, 2:16pm PDT NEW
            Why is this the new standard with everything? by fabio 08/06/2015, 5:58am PDT NEW
    Can no longer paste into Youtube comment box? NT by wtf 08/30/2015, 10:52pm PDT NEW
    Lack of folders in Gmail by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/14/2016, 8:48am PST NEW
        Labels are better than folders. NT by Pinback 02/14/2016, 10:56am PST NEW
            Of course they aren't. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/14/2016, 8:10pm PST NEW
                Well, except they are exactly the same, just labels allow you to put email in mo NT by re than one folder. 02/15/2016, 10:14am PST NEW
                    yes, but by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/15/2016, 10:34am PST NEW
                        I just wanted folders. by Steven Avery 02/15/2016, 11:02am PST NEW
                        "I'm bad at filters" = "Labels are terrible" NT by ICJ Logic Presents 02/16/2016, 7:54am PST NEW
                            They aren't filtering anything, you dumb fuck. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/16/2016, 8:07am PST NEW
                                I use filters and labels every day. They all work fine. You just suck at it. NT by ator 02/16/2016, 9:11am PST NEW
                                    Discounting bug reports, an integral part of software development. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/16/2016, 10:34am PST NEW
                                        Update by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/16/2016, 11:15am PST NEW
                                    Just want to reiterate about labels by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/06/2016, 9:47am PST NEW
        Use an IMAP client by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/15/2016, 1:07am PST NEW
            Re: Use an IMAP client by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/16/2016, 10:35am PST NEW
        Still terrible. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/10/2017, 10:31am PST NEW
    April Fools mic drop by fabio 04/01/2016, 1:07pm PDT NEW
        404 NT by Not Found 04/01/2016, 2:15pm PDT NEW
            try this by fabio 04/01/2016, 2:19pm PDT NEW
                Why so serious? by Google Product Manager 04/01/2016, 10:29pm PDT NEW
    tried to print something from google drive today by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/15/2016, 10:21am PDT NEW
    They hide the directions button on Maps on the web until by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/28/2016, 10:11am PDT NEW
        Using Chrome it's on the right side of the search box, a little blue square NT by what browser are you using? 06/28/2016, 10:33am PDT NEW
    Re: ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by Mysterio 12/06/2016, 6:37pm PST NEW
    Arbitrarily limiting youtube quality if you don't have the Correct browser. by The Happiness Engine 12/08/2016, 3:35pm PST NEW
    Youtube notifications by fabio 01/19/2017, 6:52pm PST NEW
        Yes, you can only view yt notifs the old way by going to the google notifs by Eurotrash 01/21/2017, 3:58am PST NEW
        Now the notifications don't even take you to the comment by fabio 09/13/2017, 12:14pm PDT NEW
    Re: ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/30/2017, 6:47pm PDT NEW
        Re: ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by Bunyip 04/30/2017, 10:40pm PDT NEW
            Re: ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/02/2017, 8:57am PDT NEW
        A/B testing. NT by Oom Shnibble 04/30/2017, 10:50pm PDT NEW
            Yes, but the incompetence is absolutely legendary at this point. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/02/2017, 8:55am PDT NEW
                UI tests are always broken by Entropy Stew 05/02/2017, 7:30pm PDT NEW
                    Not mine, pal by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/03/2017, 6:19pm PDT NEW
                        High level functional tests are just ridiculous to keep working, is all by Entropy Stew 05/03/2017, 6:27pm PDT NEW
            Why are you testing Google's login shit? by FoK 05/03/2017, 7:25pm PDT NEW
                Re: Why are you testing Google's login shit? by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/03/2017, 8:17pm PDT NEW
    Android 6.0 has no native call blocking feature. Who would want that anyways?! NT by Stalkers/robocallers rejoice 05/29/2017, 2:34pm PDT NEW
        Google IS spam. by The Happiness Engine 05/31/2017, 6:17pm PDT NEW
    Link spoofing in ads by Rafiki 06/07/2017, 2:15pm PDT NEW
    Youtube popup ads have suddenly become 10 times more obtrusive NT by fabio 07/24/2017, 1:06pm PDT NEW
    TWO ads at the start of every clip now by fabio 10/25/2017, 9:42pm PDT NEW
    Who the fuck uses the Back and Next buttons on Youtube? by fabio 11/20/2017, 2:04pm PST NEW
    Android backup process: shove phone up own ass, out of mouth, into dumpster NT by Entropy Stew 11/20/2017, 9:11pm PST NEW
    The fuck is this Youtube Rewind shit? NT by get it off 12/09/2017, 7:32am PST NEW
    Re: ITT, I note how Google pissed me off today. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/16/2018, 7:16am PDT NEW
        What did Brave do to you? NT by Brendan Eich 03/16/2018, 7:29am PDT NEW
            I personally like it, I don't know what that guy's problem is. NT by James McGillicutty, Esq 03/16/2018, 12:07pm PDT NEW
                UPDATE. It only happens on some files. Sometimes you get the "keep" choice by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/16/2018, 4:24pm PDT NEW
    Removing the ability to get an image link! by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/19/2018, 8:45am PDT NEW
        That's not google's fault by Entropy Stew 05/19/2018, 1:25pm PDT NEW
    Chrome is too dumb to handle intranet sites by Rafiki 08/17/2018, 9:54am PDT NEW
        Downstairs? Downsy. Fucking auto-correct. NT by Rafiki 08/17/2018, 9:57am PDT NEW
    The "menu"(?) button? on Chrome by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/20/2018, 9:59am PDT NEW
    Google throws away 12 years of work by investors (Portfolios in Google Finance) by blackwater 09/14/2018, 3:24pm PDT NEW
    "Chrome is a Google Service that happens to contain a web browser" by they said this 09/24/2018, 1:21pm PDT NEW
        Did you just assume my function? NT by 2016 Undead 09/24/2018, 2:04pm PDT NEW
        Chrome 69 does not delete Google's cookies when you clear "all cookies" by Entropy Stew 09/25/2018, 10:53am PDT NEW
            Re: Chrome 69 does not delete Google's cookies when you clear "all cookies" by blackwater 09/25/2018, 3:32pm PDT NEW
    They have sort of gmail prediction service now. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2018, 10:48am PDT NEW
        First we program the machine, then it programs us, etc etc by Thanks, Google 09/25/2018, 10:42pm PDT NEW
    Changed the UI mid-trip on Google Maps to show me pictures by UUID tag here 01/18/2019, 11:55pm PST NEW
    It's gmail's birthday. by Kirahu Nagasawa 04/03/2019, 6:53am PDT NEW
    On the Android version of Chrome you now have to by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/26/2019, 6:59pm PDT NEW
        Re: On the Android version of Chrome you now have to by Mysterio 05/27/2019, 5:33am PDT NEW
        Thank you by Daniel Berkhart 05/27/2019, 11:33am PDT NEW
        Brave NT by Browser 05/27/2019, 12:05pm PDT NEW
        Brave stole this! Why?? NT by Mysterio 12/21/2019, 9:36pm PST NEW
    Stopped letting me send mail to myself on my Linode server by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/29/2019, 9:50am PDT NEW
        consider yourself lucky that you got an actual error message by Blackwater 05/29/2019, 9:05pm PDT NEW
        You got the linode, make a mail server! by The Happiness Engine 05/31/2019, 7:13pm PDT NEW
        This is valid. Fix your shit. by Entropy Stew 06/04/2019, 9:13pm PDT NEW
    Windows Explorer style navigation for Team Drives now NT by aiaiaiaiaiaiai 06/07/2019, 4:55pm PDT NEW
    Welcome to hating tab groups NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/21/2021, 10:55pm PST NEW
    Youtube videos flagged as "adult content" can no longer be viewed anywhere witho by Rafiki 02/23/2021, 11:32am PST NEW
    Moved the Youtube autoplay button from the play list to the video play bar by for no reason 03/07/2021, 6:05pm PST NEW
    It just stopped showing me email bodies. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/17/2021, 2:36pm PDT NEW
    Google's hiring process by of COURSE it's too many steps 08/05/2021, 3:35pm PDT NEW
    Youtube now makes you sit through ads for hovering previews NT by fucks 09/17/2021, 7:12am PDT NEW
    They could have let us know who was running evilemail. by Mysterio 08/11/2022, 1:17pm PDT NEW
    Youtube no longer functions with uBlock Origin by Rafiki 09/05/2023, 8:20am PDT NEW
        Yeah I switched to another ad blocker by laudablepuss 09/05/2023, 8:55am PDT NEW
        uBlock Origin still working on Bing you guys should switch they have Bing Chat by Roop 09/05/2023, 5:06pm PDT NEW
            Bing AI fired me. They don't want me using them. NT by Gasoline 09/05/2023, 6:00pm PDT NEW
                Shut up NT by gawd 09/05/2023, 8:29pm PDT NEW
        Works fine for me in Firefox. by Mischief Maker 09/05/2023, 6:50pm PDT NEW
    Sending a picture via an email with in Android by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/29/2024, 9:42am PST NEW
        Caltrops stretch goal NT by Force ICJ to watch The Internship 01/29/2024, 12:42pm PST NEW
            Re: Caltrops stretch goal by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/29/2024, 1:05pm PST NEW
    Did Youtube take away the autoplay toggle and force it always on? by AGAIN? 05/07/2024, 9:25pm PDT NEW
    Every other youtube ad is over a minute long now by FUCK you! 07/02/2024, 11:16am PDT NEW
    If I don't sign into my account, it'll be flagged as inactive by Rafiki 12/16/2024, 2:17pm PST NEW
        Re: If I don't sign into my account, it'll be flagged as inactive by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/16/2024, 4:18pm PST NEW
            Many such cases. by blackwater 12/17/2024, 10:09am PST NEW
    Baking soda and Google AI by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/16/2024, 4:16pm PST NEW
        GOOG knew Gemini wasn't ready, but they were afraid of OpenAI and Bing by blackwater 12/17/2024, 10:04am PST NEW
        Google, the search engine that’s forgotten how to search by Question Hound 12/18/2024, 5:08pm PST NEW
    Google Maps actually went along with the "Gulf of America" stupidity by Apple Maps too 02/13/2025, 11:49pm PST NEW
    Searching... by pinback 02/20/2025, 9:32am PST NEW
        No cortisone in baseball on my watch. NT by Bud Selig 02/20/2025, 11:54am PST NEW
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