Forum Overview :: Galactic Civilizations
Well, never mind. by pinback Today, 6:55am PST
Rob Honaker is SELLING explorminate. Let's all pool all our couch change together and buy it!
Explorminate is looking for someone to write a GC4 review and I think laudable s by pinback 05/28/2024, 12:51pm PDT NEW
    I'll email him NT by laudablepuss 05/29/2024, 8:04am PDT NEW
        email bounced by laudablepuss 05/29/2024, 9:44am PDT NEW
   NT by pinback 05/30/2024, 2:05pm PDT NEW
                I figured it out, thanks :) by laudablepuss 05/30/2024, 4:45pm PDT NEW
                Re: by laudablepuss 05/30/2024, 5:41pm PDT NEW
                    I'm here, let's get to work. by Rob Honaker 05/30/2024, 5:44pm PDT NEW
                Well, never mind. by pinback Today, 6:55am PST NEW
                    That's too bad. by Mischief Maker Today, 9:11am PST NEW
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