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Honestly I enjoyed The Queen's Gambit by blackwater Yesterday, 3:35pm PST
It's a character study of a woman who has some obvious flaws in the area of drugs + alcohol abuse, and obviously some issues because she grew up as an orphan. There's an obvious grrrl power angle but at least she has some believable human flaws, which is why we watch.

I agree that they could have put more actual chess in there. Like, show us the board. What moves is she making? That would have increased its appeal to you and me, but probably also decreased its appeal to the mass market, so I can see why they didn't do that.

I sort of agree that they could have shown her doing more memorization and studying openings and stuff. That would have been an easy thing to do without turning off the normies.

Anya Taylor-Joy does a good impression of an autistic girl or something which really sells it for me.

Anyway Magnus Carlson gave this 5 stars out of 6, so you have to like it now.
The Queens Gambit by Mary Sue Chessmaster 01/27/2025, 9:46am PST NEW
    It's an adaptation of a book that came out over 40 years ago by Fullofkittens Yesterday, 6:46am PST NEW
        Getting women interested in chess is a noble use of media. NT by Determination: ACCEPTABLE Yesterday, 8:13am PST NEW
            Chess is for chodes by Grand Chodemaster Today, 6:20am PST NEW
    Honestly I enjoyed The Queen's Gambit by blackwater Yesterday, 3:35pm PST NEW
    Did they at least orient the boards correctly? by pinback Yesterday, 4:49pm PST NEW
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