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It's an adaptation of a book that came out over 40 years ago by Fullofkittens Yesterday, 6:46am PST
I enjoyed the series, I saw it as an entry in the same genre as GRACE OF MY HEART (1996): A Portrait of a Woman's Success Viewed Through The Lens of All The Boys She Fucked on the Way to the Top. I enjoy that movie as well!

The reason people like THE QUEEN'S GAMBIT isn't because it's a chess documentary, it's because it's a well-written-acted-and-made period drama starring the lovely Anya Taylor-Joy before Hollywood apparently did a number on her self-image causing her to starve herself into looking like a pretty alien.
The Queens Gambit by Mary Sue Chessmaster 01/27/2025, 9:46am PST NEW
    It's an adaptation of a book that came out over 40 years ago by Fullofkittens Yesterday, 6:46am PST NEW
        Getting women interested in chess is a noble use of media. NT by Determination: ACCEPTABLE Yesterday, 8:13am PST NEW
            Chess is for chodes by Grand Chodemaster Today, 6:20am PST NEW
    Honestly I enjoyed The Queen's Gambit by blackwater Yesterday, 3:35pm PST NEW
    Did they at least orient the boards correctly? by pinback Yesterday, 4:49pm PST NEW
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