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The Queens Gambit by Mary Sue Chessmaster 01/27/2025, 9:46am PST
For people who like the IDEA of being a chess genius, but don't actually like the game, or the idea of putting any effort into learning or mastery.

Mary Sue is an effortless chess genius. Gets taught the basics by a janitor, doesn't play against a human in years, doesn't study openings, shows up to a state championship without knowing any of the other players' match histories or even basic tournament rules, and wipes the floor with everyone: state champion, former national contenders. Not a single draw, all wins. Anyone who spent two seconds playing competitive chess can tell you this is absolute horseshit.

They wanted to make a women empowerment show about chess. Every single scene is an dropped jaw misogynist gasping BUT YOU'RE A WOMAN before she shows them a thing or two how women can play just as good as men But! But they couldn't find any real life women players who were as good as men. So they had to make up this bullshit.

Not one single minute is spent on any kind of chess theories, thinking, or strategies. Not even dumbing it down for the binge layman. She imagines a chessboard on the ceiling and that is all they need to tell you that she is THINKING. About chess!

Someone who watched too much anime asked how can I create a dramatic low point for a girl chess player, followed by her going super saiyan? How about...she has her first period right in the middle of the final match? That's the only way the rude rat faced champ can possible start beating her! But she runs to the bathroom, rams a wad of paper into her cooch, and washes down some Valium. The world comes into focus. Her imaginary baseball hat gets turned backwards, and she strides back to the table and obliterates the champ HOW CAN THIS BEEEE???

All of that happens.
The Queens Gambit by Mary Sue Chessmaster 01/27/2025, 9:46am PST NEW
    It's an adaptation of a book that came out over 40 years ago by Fullofkittens Yesterday, 6:46am PST NEW
        Getting women interested in chess is a noble use of media. NT by Determination: ACCEPTABLE Yesterday, 8:13am PST NEW
            Chess is for chodes by Grand Chodemaster Today, 6:20am PST NEW
    Honestly I enjoyed The Queen's Gambit by blackwater Yesterday, 3:35pm PST NEW
    Did they at least orient the boards correctly? by pinback Yesterday, 4:49pm PST NEW
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