Forum Overview :: American McGee's Honda Civic
I used Dexter for a bit once. by Ice Cream Jonsey Today, 10:46am PST
Not sure if this happens elsewhere, but there is a thing where highways in Colorado have three names. We didn't have this in Rochester. It's "490" and if you called it anything else you were weird, awkward and stupid. Maybe it's how it's laid out, but the "full" name of a lot of roads out here are fucking endless.

Waze will have the voices say,

"Turn left on I-470 Northwest Boulder City Highway Two Twenty Seven West East Harkington-Billford Mountain Pass."

And Waze's default voices will say it:

1. When the turn is coming up, a mile away
2. When you are about to take the turn, a few hundred feet away
3. While you are in the process of taking the turn

Dexter, an efficient serial murderer, didn't say all of that, I think he barely said anything more than "take that turn." I liked that a lot. I suspect it's because they don't sit these actors down to record the entirety of what they would need. Although now with voice duplication AI stuff, they don't need the actor's specific input at all.

Roop is correct about the unfunny jokes being repeated NON-STOP. They can't not have it say them. One of the other voices got cute with the notification that a speed trap was ahead. I don't really speed any more, so whatever, but god I hate style over function.

Anyway, Dexter I sort of liked. He said just enough to stop my ADHD rattled brain from forgetting I had a turn coming up. Of course they deleted him.
Real talk: nobody has ever wanted an AI or a GPS that sounded like a young boy by blackwater 01/14/2025, 3:24pm PST NEW
    I would pay extra for Sassy Black Woman. by pinback Yesterday, 7:05am PST NEW
        oh lord here we go NT by Fullofkittens Yesterday, 8:56am PST NEW
            I would pay extra for a cute blonde with vocal fry NT by Mechapaw Yesterday, 1:16pm PST NEW
                I would pay extra for classic Cylon or the original Transformers' Soundwave. NT by Mischief Maker Yesterday, 7:08pm PST NEW
                    I feel like these novelty voices would get old fast. by blackwater Yesterday, 9:56pm PST NEW
                        They do by Roop Today, 10:23am PST NEW
                            I used Dexter for a bit once. by Ice Cream Jonsey Today, 10:46am PST NEW
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