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by 8chan aspies Yesterday, 2:53pm PST |
Probably the same guy who spams all caps fake geryk posts to the point he's worse than the real geryk. Same asp who's constantly throwing fits about imperfect launch Cyberpunk.
What the fuck does "reddit" even mean to this REDDIT GOLD tard? This isn't 2010 anymore. Every other Gen X to-Z'er, men and women, knows about and posts there these days. Blanket calling the whole thing some hidey-hole subculture is something an out of touch Boomer would do, or a projecting 8chan weirdo. |
Dragonfall was fantastic until I hit one of the ends by spoiler 01/18/2025, 11:43pm PST
Re: Dragonfall was fantastic until I hit one of the ends by Mysterioso Yesterday, 11:25am PST
Reddit is leaking. by Actual Shadowrun fan Yesterday, 12:25pm PST
You did not contradict their point, aspie. by Mysterioso Yesterday, 12:34pm PST
his point was that real Shadowrun would NEVER etc but it in fact did NT by STOP SKIMMING Yesterday, 1:20pm PST
The reddit and hackernews hater is worse than those sites by 8chan aspies Yesterday, 2:53pm PST
Correct. NT by LurkerDan Yesterday, 7:23pm PST
PLEASE POST MORE LIKE THIS by Dying Diabetic Man Yesterday, 10:02pm PST
I dont believe you. Name 3 drugs you have to take to manage this. NT by Ron Vivichek Today, 11:00am PST