Forum Overview :: Shadowrun
You did not contradict their point, aspie. by Mysterioso Yesterday, 12:34pm PST
If Elon Musk needs to immolate himself to save us from climate change, I'm game.
Dragonfall was fantastic until I hit one of the ends by spoiler 01/18/2025, 11:43pm PST NEW
    Re: Dragonfall was fantastic until I hit one of the ends by Mysterioso Yesterday, 11:25am PST NEW
    Reddit is leaking. by Actual Shadowrun fan Yesterday, 12:25pm PST NEW
        You did not contradict their point, aspie. by Mysterioso Yesterday, 12:34pm PST NEW
            his point was that real Shadowrun would NEVER etc but it in fact did NT by STOP SKIMMING Yesterday, 1:20pm PST NEW
            The reddit and hackernews hater is worse than those sites by 8chan aspies Yesterday, 2:53pm PST NEW
                Correct. NT by LurkerDan Yesterday, 7:23pm PST NEW
    PLEASE POST MORE LIKE THIS by Dying Diabetic Man Yesterday, 10:02pm PST NEW
        I dont believe you. Name 3 drugs you have to take to manage this. NT by Ron Vivichek Today, 11:00am PST NEW
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