Forum Overview :: Rants
Re: Circumcision is wrong. It should be banned, globally. by Ice Cream Jonsey Yesterday, 8:28am PST
All I ever wanted, since I first started running a bulletin board in 1990, was an effective combination thread about tipping, circumcision and the Middle East. Thank you, all of you. I feel I can retire from this now.
Circumcision is wrong. It should be banned, globally. by Gasoline 12/31/2024, 2:04pm PST NEW
    Our pediatrician described it as a medically unnecessary cosmetic procedure. by Fullofkittens 12/31/2024, 2:27pm PST NEW
        I won't tip for takeaway any more. by Lars 12/31/2024, 2:43pm PST NEW
            They pool tips cheapskate. NT by Judge Barry 12/31/2024, 9:13pm PST NEW
                You think they pool tips where I get pizza? by Lars 01/01/2025, 11:18pm PST NEW
                    What are you yelling at me, for? NT by Dan Driedelberg 01/02/2025, 2:09pm PST NEW
                        No yelling NT by Lars 01/02/2025, 8:49pm PST NEW
                            They want 30% now! by Insane 01/06/2025, 1:31pm PST NEW
                                If you can afford a blue check, you can afford to tip. NT by Mischief Maker 01/06/2025, 3:42pm PST NEW
                                    Where does it end? 40%? 70? by Insane Yesterday, 3:36pm PST NEW
                                        WHERE WILL TAXES END? 100%?!!!! by ^stupid Today, 5:07am PST NEW
    Nobody cared about this by until... 12/31/2024, 3:08pm PST NEW
        Re: Nobody cared about this by laudablepuss 12/31/2024, 4:48pm PST NEW
            It started with the Hitchens and Dawkins nerds by Trenchcoat atheist 01/01/2025, 1:33am PST NEW
                In retrospect, the MRA stuff was probably Lawrence Krauss covering his own ass. by Mischief Maker 01/01/2025, 4:52pm PST NEW
                    First result for "Lawrence Krauss" by until... 01/01/2025, 9:50pm PST NEW
        I once read a personal account from a guy who was circumcised in his early 20s by Rafiki 01/01/2025, 10:37am PST NEW
            Right, it's settled then by until... 01/01/2025, 9:42pm PST NEW
                Re: Right, it's settled then by Lars 01/01/2025, 11:20pm PST NEW
                I’m not anti-circumcision. Learn to read NT by Blackwater 01/02/2025, 1:53pm PST NEW
        dude, nobody brought up female genital mutilation here except for you by blackwater 01/01/2025, 6:58pm PST NEW
    I bet it's fine by Ronan Farrow 12/31/2024, 4:27pm PST NEW
    It's not wrong or barbaric. by laudablepuss 12/31/2024, 4:47pm PST NEW
        We have Israel to thank for the procedure. NT by Niles 12/31/2024, 10:18pm PST NEW
            Re: We have Israel to thank for the procedure. by Dan Driedelberg 01/01/2025, 7:47am PST NEW
                cmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmon by cmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmoncmo 01/02/2025, 4:58pm PST NEW
    Re: Circumcision is wrong. It should be banned, globally. by Mischief Maker 12/31/2024, 6:22pm PST NEW
    A foreskin is like a built-in fleshlight. You can pry mine from my cold dead NT by Mysterio 01/02/2025, 5:07pm PST NEW
    Re: Circumcision is wrong. It should be banned, globally. by Ice Cream Jonsey Yesterday, 8:28am PST NEW
        Seeing "they want 30% now" in the circumcision thread is something special NT by blackwater Yesterday, 11:15am PST NEW
    I bet everybody on Star Trek was uncircumsized. by Injustice Yesterday, 4:38pm PST NEW
    Circumcision's our beautiful natural state & should have its own annual event by Genocidal Nazis disagree with me Today, 2:52am PST NEW
        I have not participated in this thread. But yes. NT by pinback Today, 5:26am PST NEW
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