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Marvel: Infinity War
by I.P. Freely Theft 01/06/2025, 4:42am PST |
The shooting feels worse in a way that's hard to describe.
Almost all the heroes are blatant copies of Overwatch heroes, to a startling degree of zero effort. They could have disguised Baptiste gun + healing grenades + immortality device as any one of dozens of superhero powers, but they just gave it all to Rocket Raccoon as a gun + healing grenades + immortality device.
Rocket Raccoon as a healer? You can't even enjoy the feel of playing as your Marvel favorites because they shoehorn them into roles that don't fit. Hulk gets Zarya's ally support shields? Magneto as a buff support? Luna Snow is a Lucio clone? Because they both make music?
Even though they rip off the Overwatch heroes and have fewer in Rivals, for some reason all the skills overlap. 3 heroes have the exact same Zenyatta orb attack. 3 have Lucio's move bonus. 3 have Ana's darts. 3 have Sigma's ult.
(the lazy award has to go to Hulk. He's DVa's mech where if he runs out of health, he turns into Bruce Banner and has to shoot enemies with a little pistol until his ult builds up to turn back into hulk. He has the exact same stance, poses, and grip as pilot mode DVa) |
Marvel Rivals by I.P. Freely Theft 01/03/2025, 2:29am PST 
if your game is easily replicable with a licensed IP it was not that good NT by Mysterio 01/05/2025, 10:30am PST 
B..B.But the market is saturated, guys!!! NT by Concord 01/05/2025, 3:32pm PST 
Not if it sucks by I.P. Freely Theft 01/06/2025, 4:42am PST 
It is odd to me that they have "healers" when the comics dont by Feris 01/06/2025, 10:26am PST 
I'm not into capeshit so i wouldn't know but maybe Overwatch wasn't deep either NT by Call of Shooty for 15 yearold girls 01/06/2025, 10:54am PST 
Not everyone was a tank that took 30 shots to kill in Call of Doody though by Question Hound 01/06/2025, 12:24pm PST 
"capeshit" NT by Don't talk like that 01/06/2025, 12:25pm PST 
Ackshuly they are GRAPHIC NOVELS NT by Fat, cheeto-stained loser 01/06/2025, 4:41pm PST 
Tycho shilling it hard NT by Mysterio 01/16/2025, 7:33am PST 
The art is SO GODDAMN BAD NT by Karmaboi 01/16/2025, 1:01pm PST 
I know this is probably about Penny Arcade... by Dream Cast 01/16/2025, 2:00pm PST 
Re: I know this is probably about Penny Arcade... by Karmaboi 01/16/2025, 2:26pm PST 