Silent Hill 2 (remake) early thoughts by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/29/2024, 12:00pm PST
Fuck that shit. Play Simulacrum instead. by Aquarium Huffer 12/01/2024, 1:08pm PST
uhjhhhhh by errrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm 12/01/2024, 3:42pm PST
Actchwuaaaally, NT by faggot 12/01/2024, 4:18pm PST
uhhhhhh by ummmmmmmm 12/01/2024, 5:46pm PST
ugh NT by Go away 12/01/2024, 6:57pm PST
Shut the fuck up. NT by KYS 12/01/2024, 7:35pm PST
You bitches constantly complain "hey remember when we talked about games here?" by Aquarium Huffer 12/01/2024, 10:30pm PST
I'm not into survival horror, but your contributions are appreciated. NT by MM 12/01/2024, 10:49pm PST
You appreciate his toxic language and shit fits? by Yatzeek 12/02/2024, 2:17am PST
Iappreciate that he wrote *something* and had a point by laudablepuss 12/02/2024, 9:37am PST
Re: Iappreciate that he wrote *something* and had a point by erm guy 12/02/2024, 10:38am PST
Re: Iappreciate that he wrote *something* and had a point by laudablepuss 12/02/2024, 11:25am PST
I can't resist the taste of his poison paradise NT by beerut beyyrut 12/02/2024, 12:51pm PST
Take your gay slurs and fuck yourself with them. NT by Nobody wants to see it. 12/02/2024, 12:34am PST
You bitches constantly complain "hey remember when we talked about games here?" by Shut up you miserable crying cunt 12/02/2024, 1:13am PST
Come on man. Please be nice. Nicer, any way. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/03/2024, 3:16pm PST
I play a lot of walking sims. What makes this one special? by Blackwater 12/02/2024, 6:44am PST
SPOILER for above post: Simulacrum is not a finished game, whereas SH2 is one. NT by Fullofkittens 12/02/2024, 8:20am PST
Have you played either? by maths 12/03/2024, 11:33am PST
Re: Have you played either? by h0 12/03/2024, 12:17pm PST
hahah MAX PAYNE FACE you put that one out again haaahaha holy fuck by lololololololololol 12/03/2024, 1:06pm PST
"Silent Hill has bad graphics" he said. An actual by retarded person 12/03/2024, 1:16pm PST
Re: Fuck that shit. Play Simulacrum instead. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/03/2024, 3:08pm PST
If he didn't want buffoonery he could have avoided it by not fucking birthing it by FROM HIS WEEPY ARRGGNGRY VAGINA 12/03/2024, 6:34pm PST
I enjoy you all though NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/03/2024, 8:04pm PST
Well...I enjoy you too dammit! by & ur site thx 4 being the OG Elon 12/03/2024, 9:17pm PST
Great thread everybody. NT by This place is a shithole 12/02/2024, 10:36am PST
lol calm down geez NT by erm guy 12/02/2024, 12:11pm PST
Maybe the real Silent Hill was the friends we didn't make along the way. NT by blackwater 12/02/2024, 12:59pm PST
Wait till you get a load of me ;) NT by The Shitposters 12/02/2024, 1:08pm PST