Forum Overview :: Laura Kightlinger's Dorito's Stand Up Stand Up
Thanks for posting. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/27/2024, 5:06pm PDT
So much stuff had to line up just so for him to die early.

Much like Freddie Mercury died before he could have gotten HIV .... er medicine, or whatever they call it, goddamn if they could have given Patrice some semaglutides. It was made for him.

MAD Magazine had this line when I was growing up in their comic skits - "if you're so smart, how come you're not rich?" Everyone wanted to pay Patrice. Everyone wanted to work with him and employ him and it looks like he was just such a fucking asshole all the time because he thought others were being phonies. I don't know if he ever read Catcher in the Rye but he certainly lived that way. You were on The Office, dude. They wanted you on their show. Some of the smartest people I know pass time to this day watching bits from The Office. Patrice. There isn't some other planet out there making sit-coms that ARE worth your time. The Office isn't perfect, but it was pretty good and they had bits with the characters just talking to the camera, I have to think they would have loved to have made you a regular doing that, but it sounds like nobody could stand to have you around.

He wanted to be a dad (my conclusion based on the documentary and how he saved the test) and talked his partner out of it, but maybe if he had a kid he could have sucked up the work he hated so much. He could have sucked it up for his kid like millions of dads have done in this country, only in his case sucking it up means "playing the game" in Hollywood a little. Which meant some light acting and doing an ad for Warframe while waiting to piss on it until he got home.

They show a scene where he is just laaaaaaaaaaaaaughing at the concept of podcasting. Who wouldn't want to listen to a half hour of Patrice each day with whatever was on his mind? It sounds like he worked that way to begin with. A podcast would have just been having a microphone around for how he already processed the world.

Every time I've ever heard anything he said, I felt like my understanding of the world expanded. Unlike Norm, where I have grown to feel that I can see the world in a similar way, Patrice remains new and original and surprising to me in every new clip from his life that I find.

I feel lucky that I got to live at the same time that he did and that I could to hear his wholly original way of thinking.

Patrice O'Neal documentary by Rafiki 09/26/2024, 3:21pm PDT NEW
    All his Opie & Anthony appearances shed light on these by Black Phillip 09/26/2024, 3:49pm PDT NEW
    Thanks for posting. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/27/2024, 5:06pm PDT NEW
        He realized. by MM 09/27/2024, 5:13pm PDT NEW
            Chris Rock intervention by Black Phillip 09/27/2024, 9:18pm PDT NEW
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