Forum Overview :: Global Conflict Blue 2
Even if conspiracy theories are your thing, Globo-Homo is so fucking BORING. by Mischief Maker 07/25/2024, 6:35pm PDT
"All public school teachers serve Lucifer and want to weaken our future white soldiers in the coming Helter Skelter race war by feminizing them as children" is so pedestrian. Like most right-wing lore it has to be buried in seventeen layers of secret code and meta-irony, just like how Scientologists make you invest years of your life and thousands of dollars before trotting out Xenu and the volcano space-ghosts. You've gotta be buried tits-deep in the sunk cost fallacy before discovering beneath all the code the secret message is, "Be sure and drink your Ovaltine!"

Now compare that simple shit to the confirmed-true conspiracy of Andrew Wakefield. It's a goddamn rollercoaster of greed, stupidity, narcissism, child abuse, ambulance-chasing, blood parties, Stockholm-Syndrome parents, professional disgrace, a cruise ship tour called "Conspira-Sea," and an evil man striking it rich in the end and living in a palatial estate built on a foundation of the tiny skulls of all the children he doomed to die of antique diseases.

SO MUCH more interesting than Globo-Homo, which can be summed up in a single sentence.
We finally hear from the trans daughter who Elon bought twitter to spite. by Mischief Maker 07/25/2024, 3:37pm PDT NEW
    "Sure, Jan" "I'm my own woman" jesus christ by B) 07/25/2024, 5:20pm PDT NEW
        Forgot "touch grass" NT by Bx 07/25/2024, 5:30pm PDT NEW
            Kids these days, with their hair and their clothes... NT by Mischief Maker 07/25/2024, 5:33pm PDT NEW
        Same shit they said about gay people 20 years ago. Why are you people so weird? NT by Mischief Maker 07/25/2024, 5:30pm PDT NEW
            That's the right point of comparison, yeah by though not like you think 07/25/2024, 5:37pm PDT NEW
                Even if conspiracy theories are your thing, Globo-Homo is so fucking BORING. by Mischief Maker 07/25/2024, 6:35pm PDT NEW
                "You won the argument, but I'll still keep arguing" god shut the fuck up by Geryk 08/09/2024, 9:14am PDT NEW
        Missed this before. Shitlicker REALLY DOES LOVE MUSK by All your heroes are dumb cocksucker 08/09/2024, 8:28am PDT NEW
            Is this a malignant narcissist posting NT by What's the big deal 08/09/2024, 8:46am PDT NEW
                "Guys! I'm not the problem! I just lick the shit off Musk's asshole" by All your heroes are dumb cocksucker 08/09/2024, 9:05am PDT NEW
                    Why are you so bothered and need to slap people down? by Why don't *you* log off 08/09/2024, 9:09am PDT NEW
                        Because you're a piece of shit and you're here. by Geryk 08/09/2024, 9:13am PDT NEW
                            Anybody check in on the post this guy is responding to by Want to explain what the issue is 08/09/2024, 9:18am PDT NEW
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