Forum Overview :: Gamerasutra
See? by Caltrops Demographic Research 07/03/2024, 2:53pm PDT
pleez come back laudablepuss please by I'll post better I promise 06/27/2024, 10:09pm PDT NEW
    Did he leave the site? NT by Mechapaw 07/03/2024, 8:42am PDT NEW
        No no, he's still around, he just mostly posts under his "Geryk" alt NT by these days 07/03/2024, 11:32am PDT NEW
            That would be the greatest face/heel turn in Caltrops history but I don't buy it NT by Bobby the Brain Heenan 07/03/2024, 11:50am PDT NEW
            Shitlicker having a long weekend to whine like a bitch by amazing 07/03/2024, 12:54pm PDT NEW
            Please leave. by Kenji Carter 07/03/2024, 12:57pm PDT NEW
            You are so fucking boring, shut up and stop posting by The OG 07/03/2024, 1:11pm PDT NEW
                Nothing screams I don't care like bragging you were on PTO after hiding out NT by I'm on PTO don't @ me 07/03/2024, 1:28pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Nothing screams I don't care like bragging you were on PTO after hiding out by The OG 07/03/2024, 1:29pm PDT NEW
    I'm still around by laudablepuss 07/03/2024, 2:35pm PDT NEW
        Sorry you're going through some shit, but I'm relieved you're still around. NT by Mischief Maker 07/03/2024, 2:44pm PDT NEW
            See? NT by Caltrops Demographic Research 07/03/2024, 2:53pm PDT NEW
                Tough crowd NT by I lol'd 07/03/2024, 8:23pm PDT NEW
        You don't know me but I like your posts. by Mechapaw 07/03/2024, 3:21pm PDT NEW
            Thanks! NT by laudablepuss 07/03/2024, 3:51pm PDT NEW
        Sorry, a lot going on but mostly GOOD stuff by laudablepuss 07/03/2024, 3:51pm PDT NEW
            Well now I'm even more relieved! Have fun! NT by Mischief Maker 07/03/2024, 5:41pm PDT NEW
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