Forum Overview :: Gamerasutra
They would let anyone in if you pretended you were a journo! by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/13/2023, 6:36am PST
Anyone here with an article posted could have gotten in, had this place been around in like 1998 when I got in. My personal website had game reviews on it, that was enough. There was like a "don't make it obvious" secret handshake whatever to the whole deal. I pretended I was a game reviewer, they pretended they were only letting me attend the show because I was a game reviewer, but there were many many many people who were teenagers and in their 20s wandering E3 being amazed by things. It was very silly for them to ever try to make it exclusive.

I want to say they went through phases where they "cracked down" on letting people pretend to be the gaming press, and then later they opened it up to everyone no matter what like any other regular convention, but I don't remember exactly. There is a lot I don't remember! The one I went to was in Atlanta, but I think later ones were mostly in San Diego or something. Someone who remembers more should please chime in.
E3 no more. it's over. NT by Feris 12/12/2023, 4:59pm PST NEW
    I went to one! Did any of you guys ever go to one? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/12/2023, 6:58pm PST NEW
        It wasn’t open to the public, was it? Or at least not originally. by Blackwater 12/13/2023, 1:16am PST NEW
            They would let anyone in if you pretended you were a journo! by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/13/2023, 6:36am PST NEW
                I went to Gen Con! NT by Mischief Maker 12/13/2023, 8:34am PST NEW
                    I went to Gen Pop :( NT by Chauvin 12/13/2023, 1:03pm PST NEW
                        +1 NT by Yahtzeek 12/22/2023, 7:56am PST NEW
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