Forum Overview :: Tansin A. Darcos's Alter Ego
Two People on a Third Date by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 03/24/2020, 5:51am PDT
I wrote this short story over about an hour or two this morning. It's the story of a man on his third date with a woman, deciding that he will no longer put up with her refusing to put out.

"Two People on a Third Date"

World premiere

“No,” she said, as she pushed him away.

“Oh,” he said, “so I guess you're not interested in me.”

“Look, I just don't feel that way for you. Let's just be friends.”

“I have to get going.” he got up, and started to walk to the door.

“Will I see you again next week?”

“No, I don't think so.”

“But why?”

He stopped. “Because I want more than just friendship. You've decided that you can't offer that to me. So, I'm not going to waste any more of my time with you.”

“What, you just see me as a piece of ass?”

“Not at all. I just want an equal relationship. Not a one-sided one.”

“What do you mean?”

“Okay, let's flip the script. Let's say, on our first date, I said to you that I thought you were attractive, exciting, and I wanted to take you to bed for some mind-blowing sex. So you say yes. I take you home and it is very good, but all I want from you is sex. After three dates, like now, where I've gotten sex from you each time, you decide that isn't enough, and if I'm not interested in taking you out or going places with you, you can find someone else who will. It's the same thing here. If all I wanted was to be friends with a woman, well I could get any of several million. Since I want both, and you've admitted that I'm never going to get that from you, I might as well spend my time finding a woman who will.”

“You're being selfish and mean!”

“Let's see. I want sex and it would be nice to also have companionship, but if the sex is any good, I'll forego the relationship. You only want one thing, a relationship, and have no interest in sex. As I see it, you're getting all the benefits and I get none. And you're calling me selfish. As for mean, if you go into a store and want something that the price is $20, and you're not willing to pay anything, is he mean to not give it to you?”

“What, you think I'm supposed to just give it away to anyone who wants it?”

“No. What I am saying is, you've permanently foreclosed me from ever having sex with you. Therefore spending time with you is not going to make me happy. So I'll find someone who will.”

“I didn't say that I wouldn't ever, just that it's not okay right now.”

“Well, that's enough to end it anyway. I've learned that if a woman isn't interested in sex with you by the third date, she's never going to be interested. And I know the code. When a woman says, 'let's just be friends,' she means, 'I will never have sex with you, and you're kidding yourself if you think I'll ever change my mind.' Since you've decided I can't ever meet your standards to be a lover, I'll find someone with whom I can.”

“So you're blackmailing me for sex, like it's 'give it to me or I'll leave?'”

“It's neither blackmail nor extortion. I'm not entitled to anything. Neither are you. You have the absolute right to decide with whom you will choose to have sex, or to decide you won't have sex with someone. On the other hand, I have the absolute right to decide with whom I want to spend my time, or decide I won't spend any further time with someone. Besides that, you're no dewey-eyed innocent, either you knew or should have known what was going on from the first date.”

“What are you talking about?”

“When a man asks you out on a date, it means one thing. He's interested in you and wants to have sex with you. Your decision in accepting a date is to decide if he's met your standards to go to bed with him. Let me prove it. If some horribly ugly guy that you find uninteresting asked you out on a date, you'd turn him down, right?”

“Well, yeah.”

“And let's try another tack. Let's say there's a really nice guy, he's looking for a potential girlfriend and maybe more, but he wants to find out if they'd be compatible in bed first. Now, if she was to tell him she doesn't plan to have sex until she marries, then he's going to turn down the chance for a date with her in favor of a woman who hasn't made access to her sex that expensive, right?”

“Yeah, I suppose.”

“So you've decided I can't ever meet your standards for being your lover. Thus you have told me there is insufficient reason to continue seeing you.”

“That's not true! I just don't think it's right just yet.”

“So when is it going to be right? I've gone out with you three times, every time I've treated you decently and with respect. I don't think there's anything else you can learn from more dates.” He walks over to her, takes her in his arms, and kisses her, briefly. “I'm going to give you a choice. And yes, it's an ultimatum. Fish or cut bait. Either you choose to lead me to your bedroom, where I will make passionate love to you, make you feel wonderful things, and cause you to enjoy it, immensely. And so will I. Or you can push me away, indicating you don't want that, and instead want me to give all that passion and pleasure to some other woman. It's your choice.”

What happens next is left as an exercise for the reader.

Two People on a Third Date by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 03/24/2020, 5:51am PDT NEW
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