by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 12/07/2019, 10:59am PST |
I got thinking about this for a bit because women receiving oral sex have much less notice than when men do. The two practices have different names, e.g. fellatio for men and cunnilingus for women. But while the performance done to a man has well defined terms, e.g. blow job, cocksucker, cocksucking, etc. The term "eat me" works for either, as does "going down." (As from Jefferson Starship's song Miracles: I had a taste of the real world / When I went down on you, girl.)
While he derogatory term "carpet muncher" has been used to refer to lesbians, I can't think of a term used to apply to a man who perfoms oral sex on a woman. A blowjob is performed on a man, the sex of the performer is irrelevant. Same thing for the name of the act, cocksucking, and the performer, a cocksucker.
That term, or the equivalent statement, "suck my dick," has been a long-term, well-used insult. One of the most famous scenes in the movie G. I. Jane has Demi Moore telling off her commanding officer:
Lt. Jordan O’Neil: Master Chief!
Master Chief: Lieutenant, seek life elsewhere.
Lt. Jordan O’Neil: SUCK MY DICK!
I don't think "pussy eater" or "pussy eating" has gained much traction.
How say you (about all of this)? |