I might be able to helpby Ice Cream Jonsey 12/15/2015, 11:12am PST
You are somewhat on your own with Norm, because I think he's one of the 10 funniest people in the world. I guess I would say that the thing with Norm is how his mind works. It's the times he's not doing his stand up act (though his act is very good) that I think, Jesus, he's on another planet from all of us.
If you haven't seen this already, please do and I realize that some asshole is asking you to spend 4 minutes on something you don't like:
The first joke Norm makes can be discounted. But the second one is funny, though applicable anywhere. The last joke though, when Conan challenges him gives insight to the way his mind works, which is rare, precious, hilarious. The very act of standing in front of people and telling previously written jokes takes wit away. Norm is very witty though!
(And let us please credit Courtney Thorne-Smith for the third-best joke in the exchange.)
As for Colin Quinn - I never really got him until I finally relented and started watching episodes of Tough Crowd at Youtube on account of Creexul thinking Colin was a genius. He is a genius in the format of that show. The guy who looked like he was the bouncer on MTV's Remote Control directed hundreds of funny people and let them say (got them to say) whatever they want. There is a greater chance that you could get an American Idol-style show about budding spree killers made in 2015 than one where comedians are free to say whatever they want. It could not happen now, and Quinn subtly asks the right questions, prevents the one person each episode who is getting ganged up on from getting completely ganged up on and if you imagine reading what he says instead of listening to it, it's usually funny stuff. He'd be the first one to tell you that his delivery on camera isn't always perfect. Colin Quinn is the Caltrops version of Johnny Carson.
(I mean, none of this is going to suddenly make you laugh, but that's why I think they are funny.)