Forum Overview :: Doom III
Re: Story of the biggest losers ever? by Unbitter 08/09/2004, 11:32pm PDT
Creexul :( wrote:

"Are you going to be this excited about Half-Life 2?" I asked him as we headed for the door.

"Fuck Half-Life 2."

What universe is this taking place in again? :(

The same one you're in:

I just wish Half-Life 2 would hurry up and come out.

It's at the end.
Chick hates Doom 3, hates your enthusiasm as well by Souffle of Pain 08/09/2004, 3:28pm PDT NEW
    Story of the biggest losers ever? by Creexul :( 08/09/2004, 4:39pm PDT NEW
        Re: Story of the biggest losers ever? by Rafiki 08/09/2004, 4:58pm PDT NEW
            Yeah, I didn't know anyone cared that much about Doom 3 either. by Creexul :( 08/09/2004, 5:51pm PDT NEW
            Maybe Penny Arcade will enjoy Half-Life 2? by Fussbett 08/09/2004, 6:01pm PDT NEW
                GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY NT by Entropy Stew 08/09/2004, 8:19pm PDT NEW
        Re: Story of the biggest losers ever? by Unbitter 08/09/2004, 11:32pm PDT NEW
            Re: Story of the biggest losers ever? by Creexul :( 08/09/2004, 11:43pm PDT NEW
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