Forum Overview :: Doom III
Well... by Dr. Gay Science 08/07/2004, 4:15pm PDT
corax wrote:

The main problem with the Doom 3 flashlight is that it doesn't behave like a real flashlight at all. Reflected light should fall off in apparent brightness with the sqare of the distance from the source. At 20 feet, a flashlight should appear only one-fourth as bright as it does at 10 feet. But the D3 flashlight doesn't appear to get dimmer with distance at all, so there's never any sense of peering into the gloom.

This is clearly a flashlight based on quantum monopoles. Or, maybe, since the lighting is simulated in the engine as it is largely by surface calculations, and not distance, it wasn't technically feasable. That or John Carmack spend too much time on the rocket that will lose the race no matter what.
Open Letter to id Software: by corax 08/04/2004, 7:00pm PDT NEW
    Re: Open Letter to id Software: by I need clarification 08/04/2004, 7:08pm PDT NEW
        People know F will toggle from flash light to your last used weapon right? by Worm 08/04/2004, 7:55pm PDT NEW
            Which key toggles by Rafiki 08/04/2004, 8:50pm PDT NEW
                Re: Which key toggles by laudablepuss 08/06/2004, 12:08pm PDT NEW
                    Oh, I thought you were finding a rogue scientist. NT by Worm 08/06/2004, 4:27pm PDT NEW
                        You were. In the basement. by Rafiki 08/07/2004, 1:19am PDT NEW
                            Re: You were. In the basement. by Bill Dungsroman 08/07/2004, 2:42am PDT NEW
                                Note to other potential Doom 3 players: you will take damage from enemies. NT by Creexul :( 08/07/2004, 2:49am PDT NEW
                                    Well, nobody told ME that :( NT by Bill Dungsroman 08/07/2004, 2:43pm PDT NEW
                                Re: You were. In the basement. by FABIO 08/07/2004, 5:01pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: You were. In the basement. by Bill Dungsroman 08/07/2004, 7:24pm PDT NEW
                            Wait, so it is running on your OS? NT by Worm 08/07/2004, 9:31pm PDT NEW
                                Under Win2k because I fixed my sound problems by Rafiki 08/08/2004, 10:09am PDT NEW
                                    Any OS mod by Worm 08/08/2004, 4:38pm PDT NEW
            Re: People know F will toggle from flash light to your last used weapon right? by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/04/2004, 11:20pm PDT NEW
            Why leave it to F when you can bind it to mouse right? NT by Creexul :( 08/05/2004, 10:50am PDT NEW
    Re: Open Letter to id Software: by Mysterio 08/04/2004, 11:26pm PDT NEW
        Re: Open Letter to id Software: by corax 08/05/2004, 3:45am PDT NEW
            Re: Open Letter to id Software: by Mysterio 08/05/2004, 4:23am PDT NEW
                Re: Open Letter to id Software: by laudablepuss 08/05/2004, 2:48pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Open Letter to id Software: by Worm 08/05/2004, 5:08pm PDT NEW
            Re: Open Letter to id Software: by Worm 08/05/2004, 10:38am PDT NEW
    I'm betting >1 week before someone comes up with a mod for this by Black Hitler 08/04/2004, 11:42pm PDT NEW
        >one day, even by Bodybag 08/04/2004, 11:48pm PDT NEW
            Get that up on Filerush, plz by Choson 08/05/2004, 7:02am PDT NEW
    Re: Open Letter to id Software: by Creexul :( 08/05/2004, 10:55am PDT NEW
        At the risk of sounding like a refugee from the HL2 mod articles... by elwonko 08/05/2004, 1:26pm PDT NEW
        Re: Open Letter to id Software: by corax 08/05/2004, 3:25pm PDT NEW
            Re: Open Letter to id Software: by Creexul :( 08/05/2004, 5:50pm PDT NEW
            Re: Open Letter to id Software: by Guido Jones 08/06/2004, 9:44am PDT NEW
                Re: Open Letter to id Software: by laudablepuss 08/06/2004, 11:42am PDT NEW
                    Re: Open Letter to id Software: by corax 08/06/2004, 4:09pm PDT NEW
            Well... by Dr. Gay Science 08/07/2004, 4:15pm PDT NEW
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