by I need clarification 03/10/2005, 12:51pm PST |
Oh wait, no. I meant I bought the game and played it and it's really great!
I'm not the world's biggest space-based RTS player (I've never played Starcraft or Homeworld), but so far I'm really enjoying S:FPTP. These games always make me feel smarter than I am. Until I hit the inevitable wall and realize that you actually have to think about what you're doing.
There seems to be a lot of complexity built into the game (ie. units, upgrades, etc.) which is usually a turn-off for an idiot action gamer like me (according to Jaffe, I didn't even upgrade Kratos correctly when I played through GoW), but after playing the tutorial and a couple of missions, it becomes pretty clear you only need to make it as complex as you want to. So far, at least.
I like maneurvereuring my ships around for a while, then suddenly launching my planetary assault and taking it to the dirt. It's like two RTS's in one! Fuck, where was this game four days ago, when I had a cold and was apartment-bound? Now I'm leaving for Australia...
Anyway, I'm very impressed!
I guess I suck at writing game reviews, though. Another extremely useful skill I don't have. :(
Wait, what's this?
But, but...
FOR SALE NOW!!!!! by Kthor 03/10/2005, 10:03am PST 
I found a positive review online by I need clarification 03/10/2005, 12:51pm PST 
Thanks! by Kthor 03/10/2005, 2:36pm PST 
just played supremacy: four paths @gdc - good game by kurt 03/10/2005, 6:45pm PST 
Re: just played supremacy: four paths @gdc - good game by FABIO 03/10/2005, 8:26pm PST 
Metal Marines. NT by Bodybag 03/10/2005, 9:03pm PST 
Starcraft for the N64. NT by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 9:57pm PST 
Poor PC ports NT by FABIO 03/10/2005, 10:00pm PST 
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, particularly 2 and 3. NT by bink 03/11/2005, 4:12am PST 
Goblin Commander NT by Mysterio 03/10/2005, 10:22pm PST 
Ogre Tactics 64 NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 03/10/2005, 10:29pm PST 
Ogre Battle 64, too. Whatever. NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 03/10/2005, 10:30pm PST 
Ring of Red NT by Fussbett 03/11/2005, 2:51am PST 
Was this one any good? NT by Bodybag 03/11/2005, 5:00pm PST 
Re: Was this one any good? by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 5:09pm PST 
Advance Wars 2??? NT by Mischief Maker 03/11/2005, 9:39am PST 
you win by FABIO 03/12/2005, 1:43am PST 
Re: you win by Casual observer 03/13/2005, 7:05pm PST 
Help me out here, CO. by Bill Dungsroman 03/13/2005, 7:45pm PST 
Re: Help me out here, CO. by Casual observer 03/13/2005, 7:54pm PST 
Oh for fucks sake! by Mischief Maker 03/13/2005, 8:28pm PST 
Re: Oh for fucks sake! by Creexul :( 03/13/2005, 8:46pm PST 
Is MW4 multiplayer still in limbo? by Bodybag 03/13/2005, 9:04pm PST 
Re: Is MW4 multiplayer still in limbo? by Casual observer 03/13/2005, 9:33pm PST 
We actually agree on this... by Casual observer 03/13/2005, 9:57pm PST 
Re: Oh for fucks sake! by Casual observer 03/13/2005, 9:29pm PST 
it = hit somewhere in there. NT by Casual observer 03/13/2005, 9:36pm PST 
Re: Oh for fucks sake! by Souffle of Pain 03/13/2005, 9:43pm PST 
Re: Oh for fucks sake! by Arbit 03/13/2005, 10:28pm PST 
Every time I think I'm out... they keep pulling me back in! NT by Casual observer 03/13/2005, 10:36pm PST 
Re: Oh for fucks sake! by Creexul :( 03/13/2005, 10:36pm PST 
What am I supposed to do? Blow a casket and yell "CREEEH-LUX!" A la Jetsons? by Casual observer 03/13/2005, 11:21pm PST 
You know you don't have to respond to every one of these, right? by ACTUALLY A REGULAR 03/13/2005, 11:56pm PST 
S:4P2P NT by Ray of Light 03/11/2005, 4:44pm PST 
Tell me this is coming out on CD NT by Mischief Maker 56K 03/11/2005, 11:26am PST 
Yes, in a week or so. NT by Kthor 03/11/2005, 1:05pm PST 
OK have some money NT by jeep 03/13/2005, 9:54pm PST 