Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries review by The Joosh 03/07/2005, 1:59pm PST 
Well, you always kicked my ass at it. by bink 03/07/2005, 5:35pm PST 
4 is a lot better than 3. by uh 03/08/2005, 11:56pm PST 
Re: 4 is a lot better than 3. by Casual observer 03/09/2005, 12:24am PST 
Actually MW4, Black Knight, and Mercs were the best mech games ever made. NT by Creexul :( 03/09/2005, 2:38am PST 
If you played MA1&2 you would remember not being able to config mechs NT by The Joosh 03/09/2005, 6:31am PST 
Mechassault was Good??? by Mischief Maker 03/09/2005, 7:14am PST 
It was "good" but it's no MW by The Joosh 03/09/2005, 7:40am PST 
Re: It was "good" but it's no MW by Casual observer 03/09/2005, 7:58am PST 
Keyboard flipping of Fabio proportions. by Creexul :( 03/09/2005, 8:04am PST 
Re: Keyboard flipping of Fabio proportions. by Casual observer 03/09/2005, 11:10pm PST 
Here's a pillow, you know what to do with it. by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 7:29am PST 
Re: Here's a pillow, you know what to do with it. by Casual observer 03/10/2005, 11:36am PST 
Thanks for telling in detail about your crying jag from losing bad at MW4. by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 2:18pm PST 
What a sin to expect the game to be what it says it is! NT by Casual Observer 03/10/2005, 3:31pm PST 
Especially when it says REALTIME TACTICAL COMBAT! by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 3:46pm PST 
To put a final note on all of this by Casual Observer 03/10/2005, 3:57pm PST 
Re: To put a final note on all of this by Mysterio 03/10/2005, 4:10pm PST 
Mysterio turns back on checkered past to fight for JUSTICE by bombMexico 03/10/2005, 6:42pm PST 
Actually it seems the consensus is that you're a nobody who's dumb. by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 4:16pm PST 
This site's cornerstone is negativity you weepy bitches. by Casual Observer 03/10/2005, 4:40pm PST 
Re: This site's cornerstone is negativity you weepy bitches. by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 4:49pm PST 
But you've missed the most important aspect of that negativity! by Mysterio 03/10/2005, 5:10pm PST 
Casual Observer: the new Binro? NT by laudablepuss 03/10/2005, 5:47pm PST 
Possibly the old binro. NT by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 6:10pm PST 
Just wanted to chime in here and say by The Cheap Zseni Machine 03/10/2005, 6:19pm PST 
Well. I disagree. NT by bink 03/11/2005, 4:26am PST 
How's that workin' out for ya? by bink 03/11/2005, 4:23am PST 
Eh, Overrated. NT by Mysterio 03/11/2005, 2:44pm PST 
Re: This site's cornerstone is negativity you weepy bitches. by Bill Dungsroman 03/10/2005, 7:57pm PST 
No, you are wrong. by bink 03/11/2005, 4:22am PST 
Psh, see that, Casual Observer? Now you've got bink disregarding your opinion.:( NT by I need clarification 03/11/2005, 10:20am PST 
It's agony from which I'll never recover. by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 11:57am PST 
Wow, add some pictures and that could be a review by Voyons Donc 03/11/2005, 1:38pm PST 
Re: Wow, add some pictures and that could be a review by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 2:43pm PST 
Re: Wow, add some pictures and that could be a review by Voyons Donc 03/11/2005, 3:46pm PST 
Directional JumpJets you skill-less twat. NT by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 4:55pm PST 
Is "skill-less" a real word? Hyphen and all? So cerebral! NT by Voyons Donc 03/13/2005, 1:22pm PST 
That's definitely too cerebral for a plebian like YOU. >:( NT by Creexul :( 03/13/2005, 6:12pm PST 
I would've made a reply like this to casual stupid. by Creexul :( 03/11/2005, 6:01pm PST 
In other words, you can't prove me wrong. NT by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 6:10pm PST 
Everyone else, including me, already has like 20 times. by Creexul :( 03/11/2005, 6:13pm PST 
Point out one instance where my arguments have been disproven. GO! NT by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 6:23pm PST 
Okay. This entire thread. DONE! NT by Creexul :( 03/11/2005, 7:32pm PST 
ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz... by Mischief Maker 03/11/2005, 1:51pm PST 
This entire "review" is basically incorrect, and not worth the time quoting NT by The Joosh 03/11/2005, 2:19pm PST 
Prove it. NT by Casual Observer 03/11/2005, 2:28pm PST 
It was made by you. That's proof enough. NT by Mysterio 03/11/2005, 2:49pm PST 
Potshooting half-wit. If you want to lay in on him, do it once and well. NT by Better Mysterios past 03/11/2005, 3:46pm PST 
Am i defending one Mysterio or attacking both? I'm so confused. by bombMexico 03/11/2005, 5:33pm PST 
You only have -that- one issue? NT by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 5:41pm PST 
But he's in like EVERY panel of that one by bombMexico 03/11/2005, 7:18pm PST 
Just who are you caling a homo, you comic-scanning FAG? by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 7:24pm PST 
Re: Just who are you caling a homo, you comic-scanning FAG? by The Cheap Zseni Machine 03/11/2005, 8:50pm PST 
Re: Just who are you caling a homo, you comic-scanning FAG? by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 9:04pm PST 
Re: Just who are you caling a homo, you comic-scanning FAG? by The Cheap Zseni Machine 03/11/2005, 9:59pm PST 
As usual. by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 10:27pm PST 
Re: As usual. by The Cheap Zseni Machine 03/12/2005, 8:25am PST 
Re: It's agony from which I'll never recover. by Creexul :( 03/11/2005, 6:09pm PST 
Re: It's agony from which I'll never recover. by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 6:22pm PST 
Re: It's agony from which I'll never recover. by Creexul :( 03/11/2005, 7:33pm PST 
I already declared victory some thirty posts ago, that shell has been spent. NT by with older drivers, Casual observer 03/11/2005, 7:41pm PST 
Except people aren't done gut laffing at you. NT by Creexul :( 03/11/2005, 7:58pm PST 
And you still lost NT by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 8:14pm PST 
Wow. That is my only response. by Creexul :( 03/11/2005, 8:21pm PST 
Trying to deflect the issue ain't gonna help, boyah! NT by Casual observer 03/11/2005, 8:24pm PST 
No, no, make no mistake: you're a horrible, terrible poster. by I need clarification 03/12/2005, 11:49am PST 
Re: No, no, make no mistake: you're a horrible, terrible poster. by Casual observer 03/12/2005, 12:08pm PST 
Persona? by False 03/12/2005, 2:03pm PST 
Gayness: starting to stack up with you. by Creexul :( 03/12/2005, 5:35pm PST 
I'm fucking sick of this thread. NT by bink 03/13/2005, 4:17am PST 
go douche NT by The Joosh 03/09/2005, 12:01pm PST 
There won't be a MW5, anytime, anywhere, and we'll sue if there is. NT by Microsoft BeanCounter Department. 03/10/2005, 12:33pm PST 
Re: Mechassault was Good??? by FABIO 03/09/2005, 1:22pm PST 
Mechassault doesn't suck, dammit it is better than everquest you fag NT by The Joosh 03/09/2005, 4:06pm PST 
The Jsoh/MW wars are hotting up. NT by Fussbett 03/09/2005, 4:33pm PST 
That's......... that's hot. :( NT by Paris "Seasoned Whore" Hilton 03/09/2005, 4:46pm PST 
WHY CANT WE STOP HATING NT by Cat Stevens - Peace Train.mp3 03/09/2005, 5:41pm PST 
What about Mech Fucking Commander 2? by laudablepuss 03/09/2005, 9:32pm PST 
Re: What about Mech Fucking Commander 2? by Casual observer 03/09/2005, 11:11pm PST 
Re: What about Mech Fucking Commander 2? by 8===> 03/10/2005, 1:16am PST 
Re: What about Mech Fucking Commander 2? by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 7:31am PST 
Re: What about Mech Fucking Commander 2? by Casual observer 03/10/2005, 11:22am PST 
Re: What about Mech Fucking Commander 2? by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 1:55pm PST 
In what concerns you, that illusion becomes reality. NT by Casual Observer 03/10/2005, 2:02pm PST 
I can't wait for your essay on Rainbow Six 2 vs the DREADFUL Splinter Cell. by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 2:23pm PST 
Re: What about Mech Fucking Commander 2? by Mysterio 03/10/2005, 2:50pm PST 
Dumbass nobody Casual Observer, trumped by a Mysterio? NT by Creexul :( 03/10/2005, 3:09pm PST 
Flop : Failure of the game by Casual Observer 03/10/2005, 3:29pm PST 
Re: Flop : Failure of the game by Mysterio 03/10/2005, 3:36pm PST 
MC2 is good NT by The Joosh 03/10/2005, 11:30am PST 
Well played NT by Entropy Stew 03/10/2005, 12:24pm PST 
Nah, more like a 3rd-Person "Shogo" with a FASA License and shattering windows NT by Mischief Maker 03/09/2005, 6:25pm PST 
Blow me NT by Don't tell me you love me 03/09/2005, 6:58pm PST 