by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/04/2011, 12:47pm PDT |
.... Barely.
Here's the legacy of New Vegas: it, along with BioShock 2, completely fucking invalidated getting excited about a "sequel" to a PC game ever again. After dozens of failures, these clowns eventually put out a good game, make some money and while they're working on the proper sequel, they offshore what players get next to a bunch of incompetents. You knew this already, so I don't even know who the target audience for this post is.
New Vegas is barely worth $15. Assuming the patches helped more than they hurt, it's probably not as disappointing at ten.
Worth $15? by Rafiki 07/04/2011, 12:13pm PDT 
Agggghhhhhhhhhhhh nnnghhhhhhh ummmmmmm by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/04/2011, 12:47pm PDT 
Fuck you you fucking fuck (it's worth 30$) NT by WITTGENSTEIN 07/04/2011, 1:56pm PDT 
This is a terrible opinion. :( by laudablepuss 07/04/2011, 2:03pm PDT 
Re: This is a terrible opinion. :( by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/04/2011, 2:27pm PDT 
Re: This is a terrible opinion. :( by WITTGENSTEIN 07/04/2011, 2:34pm PDT 
Re: This is a terrible opinion. :( by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/04/2011, 6:35pm PDT 
Re: This is a terrible opinion. :( by laudablepuss 07/05/2011, 8:54am PDT 
Blackjack with Luck Rating > 5 is better than Caravan. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 07/05/2011, 1:36pm PDT 
If being able to get free money improves it so much then why not just cheat? NT by Worm 07/05/2011, 2:36pm PDT 
Because it's NOT cheating. And you have no point. by laudablepuss 07/05/2011, 3:13pm PDT 
...what by Lizard_King 07/05/2011, 4:46pm PDT 
See the post above for a card game that benefits from stats by laudablepuss 07/05/2011, 5:08pm PDT 
I've got some terrible opinions for you. CLICK for MORE by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/06/2011, 4:42pm PDT 
DO NOT BUY DEAD MONEY. I cannot stress enough how bad it sucks. by The Happiness Engine 07/06/2011, 5:38pm PDT 
Re: I've got some terrible opinions for you. CLICK for MORE by laudablepuss 07/07/2011, 9:27am PDT 
Re: I've got some terrible opinions for you. CLICK for MORE by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/07/2011, 11:02am PDT 
Re: I've got some terrible opinions for you. CLICK for MORE by WITTGENSTEIN 07/11/2011, 2:57pm PDT 
Re: I've got some terrible opinions for you. CLICK for MORE by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/11/2011, 6:14pm PDT 
Stop making me side with laudable! NT by Entropy Stew 07/04/2011, 6:22pm PDT 
It's worth $3.99 by Mysterio 07/04/2011, 5:08pm PDT 
Great, now I'm going to disappoint people no matter what I do >:( by Rafiki 07/04/2011, 8:16pm PDT 
You might like it. It's certainly possible. NT by Brett Newvegas. 07/04/2011, 9:25pm PDT 
I'm gonna wait for the final patch, which is supposedly coming two DLCs from now by Jerry Whorebach 07/05/2011, 11:46pm PDT 
yup, buy it while you can oops too late NT by sdroa jists 07/05/2011, 11:22pm PDT 
Welcome back, Sword of Justice. NT by Mr. 3000 and his blob 07/06/2011, 6:19am PDT 
Some initial thoughts by Arbit 07/11/2011, 2:40pm PDT 
OK I'm enjoying this by Arbit 07/13/2011, 11:25am PDT 
Update: it was worth $15 by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/27/2019, 6:05pm PST 
Re: Update: it was worth $15 by laudablepuss 12/28/2019, 8:28am PST 