World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (tawkin part first) by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/17/2010, 11:56am PDT
Awesome. 8*) NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/17/2010, 1:20pm PDT
the entire review should just involve me on the PTR before wotlick came out by Sword of Justice 05/18/2010, 5:54am PDT
Do I know this cow by Moog 05/18/2010, 8:29am PDT
Re: Do I know this cow by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/18/2010, 12:37pm PDT
I would love a pizza right now. NT by Moog 05/18/2010, 8:56pm PDT
Why do you deny that I exist brother by Jrdano Cable 05/18/2010, 8:58pm PDT
Do the bit. ^_^ NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/18/2010, 9:22pm PDT
he's at least as interesting as towlie NT by Sword of Justice 05/18/2010, 9:37pm PDT
:( by bombMexico 05/19/2010, 2:01am PDT
Your only accomplishment was failing to stop us. 8) NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/19/2010, 10:15am PDT
I don't sign my fucking posts by Fortinbras 06/22/2010, 2:57pm PDT
What are your favorite addons? by Worm 05/18/2010, 11:15pm PDT
The ones that make blizzard rip off our ideas to improve the game. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/18/2010, 11:34pm PDT
I guess that's your favorite instance and boss? by Worm 05/19/2010, 6:39am PDT
and teammates naturally NT by Sword of Justice 05/19/2010, 6:57am PDT
yeah my hunter never wants to run aspect of the wild on that NT by Worm 05/19/2010, 6:13pm PDT
Jso just got a leaked screener of the upcoming WOW movie. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/19/2010, 11:18pm PDT
Did Tigule perhaps meet him at the Mall food court? NT by Worm 05/20/2010, 5:15am PDT
in this section I will list the various suggestions I made that bilge implimente by Sword of Justice 05/24/2010, 4:02pm PDT
I am offering caltrops the chance to be mentioned in our new watlick review! by Sword of Justice 05/24/2010, 4:25pm PDT
Tauren jizz-flood racial ability? NT by laudablepuss 05/24/2010, 4:58pm PDT
ok for that you are now restricted from contributing anything to the review NT by Sword of Justice 05/24/2010, 8:53pm PDT
Jso: The Icycalm of this article. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 05/24/2010, 9:02pm PDT
That would make mfe the sean penn of clapstro. 8) NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/24/2010, 10:04pm PDT
he lost his paddle and is now just holding the shotgun in his rowboat NT by Sword of Justice 05/25/2010, 9:38am PDT
While simultaneously elbowing a door (not easy to do while holding a shotgun to NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/27/2010, 12:34am PDT
They're called heirloom items you fucking newb by Worm 05/24/2010, 8:59pm PDT
Re: in this section I will list the various suggestions I made that bilge implim by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/24/2010, 10:34pm PDT
they bought you with shaman MP5 buffs by ` 05/24/2010, 10:46pm PDT
That and the thunder explosion talent spell silver fuckin dog bone fuckin by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/24/2010, 10:49pm PDT
It's really the biggest "we're sorry" ability in the entire game. by Worm 05/25/2010, 6:17am PDT
Only bipolar people play PVP. NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/25/2010, 6:59am PDT
pvp is especially pointless now that it's all about being pvp geared NT by Sword of Justice 05/25/2010, 9:41am PDT
I agree that resilience blows. by Worm 05/25/2010, 7:05pm PDT
they turned all the "healing" gear into damage and healing and then just spell p NT by Sword of Justice 05/28/2010, 8:03pm PDT
This was one of the most important things actually. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/29/2010, 8:42am PDT
this also applies to my priest, especially when they changed the talents by Sword of Justice 05/29/2010, 3:51pm PDT
Something so awesome, I just have to tell you guys by laudablepuss 05/30/2010, 10:47pm PDT
Re: World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (tawkin part first) by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/27/2010, 1:45am PDT
this review is done really NT by Sword of Justice 06/20/2010, 8:05am PDT
Re: World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (tawkin part first) by Jhoh Cause..... 2 06/21/2010, 10:58am PDT
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (first draft) by Jhoh Cause..... 2 06/22/2010, 1:33pm PDT
Re: World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (first draft) by Sword of Justice 06/22/2010, 5:56pm PDT
Re: World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (first draft) by Sword of Justice 06/22/2010, 6:15pm PDT
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (final draft there it's done) by Jhoh Cause..... 2 06/22/2010, 6:40pm PDT
How come this ain't up in reviews yet? NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 06/23/2010, 11:48am PDT
un readable NT by gruman 06/23/2010, 12:15pm PDT
Someone's embarrassed of their jealousy. 83 NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 06/23/2010, 1:42pm PDT
and the un, un-nazified the world forever by Sword of Justice 06/23/2010, 1:42pm PDT