Forum Overview :: Doom III
Re: WELL? >:(!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Worm 08/03/2004, 11:58am PDT
I downloaded the first disc off of and got the other two from, that took me 45 minutes about at 350kb/s. I used a .torret for the crack and keygen. I got one crash when I got my PDA thingy and circumvented it by exited the dialogue and got frozen well jumping into a scripted event.

I don't know how good your newsgroup service is, but it is all over the place.
WELL? >:(!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Creexul :( 08/03/2004, 4:30am PDT NEW
    Re: WELL? >:(!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Worm 08/03/2004, 11:58am PDT NEW
        Wow, some people use newsgroups to download things. by Creexul :( 08/03/2004, 12:07pm PDT NEW
            Solid! by Vomitbird 08/03/2004, 12:27pm PDT NEW
                Addendum! by Vomitbird 08/03/2004, 12:34pm PDT NEW
    Review[56k-unfriendly version] by Bodybag 08/04/2004, 3:47pm PDT NEW
        Much better. :) NT by Creexul :( 08/04/2004, 4:52pm PDT NEW
        Re: Review[56k-unfriendly version] by podr 08/06/2004, 12:29pm PDT NEW
            Re: Review[56k-unfriendly version] by Spankedpatties 08/06/2004, 4:08pm PDT NEW
        Hey, now. What? by I need clarification 08/06/2004, 12:52pm PDT NEW
            Re: Hey, now. What? by Creexul :( 08/06/2004, 2:29pm PDT NEW
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