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Lemonade Stand
by laudablepuss 03/08/2010, 8:43am PST |
This is reminiscent of a bizarre figure I've seen reported that Magellan lost 90% of his men to scurvy. It is certainly untrue, and I doubt any voyage ever had that high a scurvy death rate. There are lots of ways of accidentally getting vitamin C, and anytime sailors are able to go ashore for fresh provisions, they'll have to get some.
(Still reading this otherwise excellent article . . . ) |
Fantastic article about scurvy by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/08/2010, 1:11am PST 
That was great. NT by Eurotrash 03/08/2010, 2:41am PST 
I have a problem with the 90% loss figure by laudablepuss 03/08/2010, 8:43am PST 
Hahaha by laudablepuss 03/08/2010, 9:31am PST 
Re: I have a problem with the 90% loss figure by Lizard_King 03/08/2010, 6:06pm PST 
Now I have the perfect story to tell the produce girl at Safeway by Jerry Whorebach 03/08/2010, 12:18pm PST 
Girls love 3x5 index cards. by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/08/2010, 1:33pm PST 
Hey, the Safeway girl gets an awkward story, but you stand up to me? NT by Circuit City Clerk 03/08/2010, 3:35pm PST 
I'm more comfortable talking to people who already hold a low opinion of me. by Jerry Whorebach 03/08/2010, 4:30pm PST 
http://www.bigdeadplace.com/scurvyawareness.html by Ray of Light 03/08/2010, 1:07pm PST 