by Creexul :( 02/05/2005, 4:46am PST |
Juh-howh Cable (5:37:22 AM): I still have to muster up some kind of review of Def Jizzayum Fight for Hymie Town.
Juh-howh Cable (5:38:19 AM): Oh wait, I talked about it in an AIM log, I could just post the AIM log!
Kered (5:38:36 AM): thank god
Juh-howh Cable (5:38:51 AM): PHEW
Binky (9:13:53 PM): So you've been playing some kind of gangsta rapper fighting game or something?
Juh-howh Cable (9:15:38 PM): Yes.
Juh-howh Cable (9:15:40 PM): Def Jayum.
Juh-howh Cable (9:15:42 PM): It's great. :)
Binky (9:15:55 PM): FURROWS BROW
Binky (9:16:08 PM): I remember some crazy drunkard friend of mine played that Wu-Tang fighting game a lot.
Juh-howh Cable (9:16:13 PM): :(
Binky (9:16:17 PM): I think because he liked to get drunk and laugh his ass off at it.
Juh-howh Cable (9:16:20 PM): Well Def Jam Fight for NY is better, I'm sure.
Binky (9:16:28 PM): Probably.
Binky (9:16:34 PM): It was PS1 or Genesis or some shit.
Binky (9:16:49 PM): He's also the asshole who borrowed my SNES and ruined it. >:o
Juh-howh Cable (9:16:53 PM): There are no dumb combo moves in this where you push A B A B B A and then up right down left B.
Juh-howh Cable (9:16:58 PM): You just push punch or kick.
Juh-howh Cable (9:17:04 PM): And hold down L to punch or kick hard.
Juh-howh Cable (9:17:10 PM): Then you can grab people and slam them into things all day long.
Binky (9:17:13 PM): And you do fucking bombastic ridiculous combos automatically?
Juh-howh Cable (9:17:24 PM): Well you build up a BLAZIN' meter.
Binky (9:17:29 PM): O.
Juh-howh Cable (9:17:36 PM): And when it gets to the top, you just wiggle the right stick and you automatically go into blazin mode.
Binky (9:17:37 PM): Like in Street Fighter Alpha THREE?
Juh-howh Cable (9:17:57 PM): Then you just grab a guy and push the right stick either up or left or right or down, depending on which direction you bound a special blazin move to.
Binky (9:17:59 PM): If you play 2 player can you punch your teammate?
Juh-howh Cable (9:18:27 PM): And when you do that you do some super ultra combo of extreme punishment with scratchy sepia tone view and crazy muted sounds, and then freeze frame zooms right before a super punishing move.
Juh-howh Cable (9:18:33 PM): I don't know. :(
Binky (9:19:11 PM): WHOA!
Binky (9:19:14 PM): That's a lot of effects!
Juh-howh Cable (9:19:20 PM): Yes.
Binky (9:19:26 PM): Is the music BADAZZ?
Binky (9:19:30 PM): HAR HAR
Juh-howh Cable (9:19:34 PM): It's 100% licensed rap.
Binky (9:19:42 PM): Are the rappaz takin' it to the MAN!?
Juh-howh Cable (9:19:53 PM): And then this: LL Cool J - Mama Said Knock You Out
Binky (9:19:55 PM): You know, the one that's keepin' 'em down?
Binky (9:19:58 PM): Wow, that's a nice one.
Juh-howh Cable (9:20:00 PM): No, they all fight each other. :(
Binky (9:20:03 PM): Oh.
Juh-howh Cable (9:20:04 PM): Lots of rappers playing themselves.
Juh-howh Cable (9:20:09 PM): The ultimate bad guy is Snoop.
Binky (9:20:13 PM): Hahahahahaha.
Juh-howh Cable (9:20:14 PM): And on your side, you have Ludacris.
Binky (9:20:21 PM): Do you have to unlock Snoop?
Juh-howh Cable (9:20:32 PM): I don't know, probably after you beat him but that's at the end of the game I'm sure.
Binky (9:20:42 PM): Can you unlock scanty outfits for the rappaz?
Binky (9:20:43 PM): HAHAHAHAHAA
Juh-howh Cable (9:20:44 PM): :(
Juh-howh Cable (9:20:48 PM): You don't unlock them.
Juh-howh Cable (9:20:50 PM): You buy clothes.
Binky (9:20:53 PM): Oh.
Binky (9:21:02 PM): From tha BLINGBLING that magically bounces out of dead foes?
Juh-howh Cable (9:21:36 PM): You can buy jeans, shorts, pants, shirts, t-shirts, jackets, coats, jerseys, necklaces, earrings, watches, bracelets, boots, casual shoes, athletic shoes, glasses, hats, armbands, rings.
Juh-howh Cable (9:21:37 PM): No.
Juh-howh Cable (9:21:46 PM): You go to the store and buy them with the money you get after fights.
Juh-howh Cable (9:21:58 PM): You also go to the gym and work on your skills, so there's stat building.
Juh-howh Cable (9:22:10 PM): Also you can use skill points to buy new blazin moves and assign them at the gym.
Juh-howh Cable (9:22:18 PM): Which is run by Henry Rollins.
Juh-howh Cable (9:22:31 PM): Late in the game you get to fight him.
Binky (9:22:38 PM): |:(
Binky (9:22:45 PM): Henry Rollins?
Juh-howh Cable (9:22:47 PM): Yes.
Binky (9:23:01 PM): The guy who looks like the evil Superman from Superman 2, but short? (and more evil?)
Juh-howh Cable (9:23:09 PM): Uh, I guess. :(
Binky (9:23:21 PM): Well I'm not sure if I'm thinking of the right guy.
Juh-howh Cable (9:24:44 PM): http://www.ibw.uni-hamburg.de/lehre/ws0203/iblhh0203/h6/IMG/Markus%20(Henry%20Rollins).jpg
Binky (9:25:18 PM): Yep, that's him.
Juh-howh Cable (9:25:22 PM): Yay.
Juh-howh Cable (9:27:29 PM): http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/defjamvendetta2/screens.html?page=90
Juh-howh Cable (9:27:48 PM): http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/defjamvendetta2/screens.html?page=88 Here's one of the freeze frame tilting zooms.
Juh-howh Cable (9:28:18 PM): http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/defjamvendetta2/screens.html?page=79
Binky (9:29:05 PM): When you said Def Jam I couldn't figure out what you meant.
Juh-howh Cable (9:29:08 PM): :(
Binky (9:29:11 PM): I thought of SPACE Jam with Bugs Bunny.
Juh-howh Cable (9:29:32 PM): :(
Binky (9:29:42 PM): Then I figured it was some game so I looked it up.
Binky (9:29:47 PM): And I saw Vendetta and Fight for NY.
Binky (9:29:53 PM): But I didn't see Vendetta for the Xbox.
Juh-howh Cable (9:29:55 PM): http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/defjamvendetta2/screens.html?page=34 Here's my girlfriend.
Juh-howh Cable (9:30:13 PM): :(
Binky (9:30:15 PM): Hahahahahah.
Juh-howh Cable (9:30:27 PM): I was wondering what the V II logo was for.
Binky (9:30:41 PM): So it's on Xbox or------------------?
Juh-howh Cable (9:30:52 PM): It's on everything.
Juh-howh Cable (9:30:54 PM): Except PC.
Juh-howh Cable (9:31:06 PM): http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/defjamvendetta2/screens.html?page=33
Juh-howh Cable (9:31:08 PM): Here's Snoop.
Juh-howh Cable (9:31:19 PM): http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/defjamvendetta2/screens.html?page=32
Juh-howh Cable (9:31:28 PM): http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/defjamvendetta2/screens.html?page=31
Binky (9:32:18 PM): Your girlfriend has a nice (collection of polygons)
Juh-howh Cable (9:32:22 PM): 8)
Juh-howh Cable (9:32:24 PM): BUT SHE'S JUST POLYGONS
Binky (9:32:32 PM): YO GET A REAL GF LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Juh-howh Cable (9:32:37 PM): ;-;
Binky (9:33:20 PM): Those some exquisitely bump-mapped gangstas.
Juh-howh Cable (9:37:58 PM): :)
Binky (9:39:43 PM): Did your Xbox quit fuckin' up?
Juh-howh Cable (9:46:43 PM): Hell no. :( |
Def Jam Fight for NY by Creexul :( 02/05/2005, 4:46am PST 
Haha, Danny Trejo by Fussbett 02/05/2005, 9:59am PST 
Re: Haha, Danny Trejo by Creexul :( 02/05/2005, 7:08pm PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by curst 02/11/2005, 3:10pm PST 
Ow my snee :( NT by McMoo the Anti-Drug Cow 02/14/2005, 6:48am PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by Choson 02/14/2005, 2:35pm PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by curst 02/18/2005, 7:13pm PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for The Loading Screen by The Cheap Zseni Machine 02/28/2005, 1:18pm PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by Quentin Beck 04/02/2005, 8:14pm PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by DNOW 03/17/2006, 3:35am PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by JAYDEE 03/17/2006, 3:35am PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by JAYDEE 03/17/2006, 3:36am PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by JAYDEE 03/17/2006, 3:36am PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by JAYDEE 03/17/2006, 3:37am PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by CHRISISAAK 03/17/2006, 12:11pm PST 
Re: Def Jam Fight for NY by jayde 03/20/2006, 5:41am PST 