Yeah this about sums up the series.... by Mysterio 11/10/2023, 6:52am PST 
valve should discontinue dota2 and work full time on trenched aka iron brigade NT by the one who infuriates you 08/17/2012, 10:45pm PDT 
Caltrops is nearly 10 years old now by Mischief Maker 06/21/2012, 5:47am PDT 
Target(s) sells ironic t-shirts. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 11/27/2007, 3:43pm PST 
Dreamweaver by Mischief Maker 02/09/2005, 7:31am PST 
Man! Of all my reviews I sure am glad you were able to salvage THIS fucking one NT by Mischief Maker 07/19/2004, 9:31pm PDT 
Pulling a Zseni (only with angst instead of granny porn) by Alternate789 09/03/2003, 4:45pm PDT 
SF Bay area of San Diego area. WHERE SHOULD I MOVE? NT by Mischief Maker calling all fruits 08/26/2003, 2:18pm PDT 
Me too by Mysterio 09/09/2003, 7:46pm PDT 
SW:G is out, and the servers are still unstable. YAY by Entropy Stew 06/30/2003, 8:48pm PDT 
So, anyone know anything about The Matrix Online? by Damocles 07/01/2003, 4:06am PDT 
First Post of +4 Gayness NT by creativepig 06/30/2003, 8:47pm PDT 
I'm not gonna have time to post at Caltrops for the next couple weeks by Non-Meta Mischief Maker 04/07/2003, 6:19pm PDT 
My Valentine's Day Gift to all you faggots by Ai no Tenshi 02/14/2003, 6:22pm PST 
Well, this forum hasn't been soiled with arguments on Iraq. by CrackerBarrel 02/07/2003, 7:32pm PST 