2. Do not post pornographic or offensive imagery. Do not link to pornographic or offensive imagery unless you indicate in your post title that it is NWS (Not Work Safe) or any equitable warning.
3. Do not disseminate private or personal information about anyone without prior consent.
4. The administrators reserve the right to deny posting privileges (either temporarily or permanently) to any visitor of the site.
Caltrops Article Submission Primer:
1. Submitted content may be of any subject matter, however reviews of computer games are preferred.
2. Submission of content indicates an implicit release of copyright or ownership on the behalf of the writer.
3. Writers in agreement with these terms may either submit their content directly or post it in part or in full in the Article Submissions and Editing Forum where it will be subject to critique by any participating site visitors. Posting to the AS&E Forum indicates an implicit release of copyright or ownership on the behalf of the writer.