Forum Overview :: Mischief Maker's Maker's Mark
My ten favorite indie games, not counting text games by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/09/2008, 6:47pm PDT
My ten favorite indie games, not counting text games NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/09/2008, 6:47pm PDT NEW
    #10 - ABUSE (1996) by CRACK DOT COM by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/09/2008, 7:02pm PDT NEW
        Just in case you missed it, check my list for "FrAbS" NT by Mischief Maker 10/09/2008, 7:23pm PDT NEW
            I read it, then forgot, then found it again just now. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/10/2008, 3:57pm PDT NEW
        Available for the iPhone now by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/30/2009, 10:52pm PDT NEW
    Will you also include an "overrated" list including all my favorites? NT by pinback 10/09/2008, 7:14pm PDT NEW
    #9 - CHOPPER COMMANDO (1988) by MARK CURRIE by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/11/2008, 2:25am PDT NEW
    On hold until I can write a review of Space Giraffe NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/28/2008, 4:33pm PDT NEW
        I think I'm going to beat Space Giraffe again instead of starting Fallout 3. by Jerry Whorebach 10/28/2008, 9:27pm PDT NEW
            Re: I think I'm going to beat Space Giraffe again instead of starting Fallout 3. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/24/2008, 1:17pm PST NEW
                That'd be tough, my PC's seen some pretty groundbreaking porn this year. by Jerry Whorebach 11/24/2008, 2:59pm PST NEW
                    I understand by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/30/2009, 10:59pm PDT NEW
                        So what you are saying is Space Giraffe Isn't Tempest? NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/30/2009, 11:09pm PDT NEW
    let's get this going again, ICJ NT by mark 05/13/2009, 6:20am PDT NEW
    #8 - CRAYON PHYSICS (2009) by PETRI PURHO by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2009, 3:33am PDT NEW
        Agreed 100% Classic game. NT by M Squared 08/13/2009, 9:24am PDT NEW
            I, too, enjoy this game NT by The Breadman 08/13/2009, 11:24am PDT NEW
        omg thank you NT by up with pod people 08/13/2009, 11:54am PDT NEW
        joh played that game on his TABLET NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/13/2009, 12:29pm PDT NEW
        You might like Scribblenauts (but it's for the DS) by Fussbett 08/13/2009, 2:09pm PDT NEW
            Holy shit. Holy shit! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/14/2009, 12:16am PDT NEW
    #7 - COMMANDER KEEN in GOODBYE GALAXY! (1991) by id SOFTWARE by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/20/2009, 11:11pm PDT NEW
        considering about 10,000 people played wolfenstien on release that's amazing by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/21/2009, 2:22am PDT NEW
            Re: considering about 10,000 people played wolfenstien on release that's amazing by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/21/2009, 3:35am PDT NEW
                you couldn't aim up or down in doom, you also couldn't jump by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/21/2009, 5:59am PDT NEW
                    *I* can think of a Doom game that allowed aiming and jumping NT by Devil Dinosaur 08/23/2009, 1:03am PDT NEW
                    So I guess you're a big Quake fan? NT by Erradicating 2.5D forever 08/23/2009, 2:25am PDT NEW
                        I guess you are a big anal sex fan by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/23/2009, 3:15am PDT NEW
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