Forum Overview :: Gamerasutra
Re: I'm sneaking Future Pinballs sessions in at work! by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2007, 2:05pm PDT
[quote name="Fussbett"I agree with the "okay" rating, because it lacks an endgame and more things to do. ICJ will need to register with to see the download button, so he'll never know.

I'm not giving my name to a computer. Actually, I'll go ahead and do it. I hate forums that do not allow you to view them without registering and I hate places "hosting" files that demand you register before seeing a download link. On the other hand, I love pinball in all its many manifestations, even when it takes the form of me pretending to tilt a machine by hitting "z" and shouting, "BULLSHIT!" when the ball drains to the left anyway, followed by an attempt to do a death save by kicking the office table.

I've glanced over some other original tables and most are ATROCIOUS. Other good ones I didn't mention include: Metal Slug and the Medieval Castle one that the Spaniard made (the dude who remakes all the foreign Taito tables like Hawkman )

Oh cool. I have seen Hawkman but not the other two. Hawkman allows a great deal of table shaking, which is good, because if it goes anywhere near the side drains you're fucked like the real Hawkman would be fighting anyone other than, say, the Riddler.

(avoid Cavaleiro Negro!)

The table, or just in general? To be safe, I'll do both.

The dearth of good original tables is an opportunity. Someone here with time and programming ability should get to work on learning Future Pinball so that we can make a (warm up) Caltrops table followed by an Old Man Murray table that would drive traffic here in a way the fabled MacHall link only dreamed about.


F-A-G rollovers, drop targets with little crates on them, a Roberta Williams bumper, all the memes are there... I'm free to do all the graphics in October. Everyone can chip in ideas and Jerry Whorebach can make fun of us. A real team effort. I'll be posting again in another month, and I expect to hear about some progress. Get on it.

I would like to start things off by requesting a .wav file of "STOP MOWING" and "HA HA" through a megaphone for the Caltrops table. Having Motherhead's Newell picture prominently involved on the table would also be a good idea. I'll get to work on getting a copy of I-82 for the purposes of the soundtrack.

the dark and gritty...Ice Cream Jonsey!
Recommendation Request: Pinball games for the PC by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/12/2007, 6:35pm PDT NEW
    I refuse to recommend a pinball game for the PC by Grumah 05/13/2007, 5:40am PDT NEW
        NICE REFERENCE >:( by Jhoh Cable o_O 05/14/2007, 11:54am PDT NEW
        Re: I refuse to recommend a pinball game for the PC by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/14/2007, 1:20pm PDT NEW
            I do not appreciate the sarcasm FACEFUCK (assuming that was sarcasm) NT by Grumah 05/14/2007, 5:07pm PDT NEW
                It was not sarcasm by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/14/2007, 5:23pm PDT NEW
                    ok great ^_^ NT by Grumah 05/15/2007, 7:55pm PDT NEW
    Future Pinball by Fussbett 05/20/2007, 2:26am PDT NEW
        Re: Future Pinball by Fussbett 05/20/2007, 11:52am PDT NEW
        I have just played my first FP table by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/20/2007, 4:09pm PDT NEW
            Re: I have just played my first FP table by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/20/2007, 4:17pm PDT NEW
                Dead Hunters was released today, from the makers of Three Angels and Road Girls. by Fussbett 05/21/2007, 7:57pm PDT NEW
                    Dead Hunters was released today, from the makers of Three Angels and Road Girls. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/22/2007, 1:12am PDT NEW
                        Re: Dead Hunters was released today, from the makers of Three Angels and Road Gi by Mischief Maker 05/25/2007, 11:00pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Dead Hunters was released today, from the makers of Three Angels and Road Gi by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/03/2007, 11:03pm PDT NEW
                                Re: Dead Hunters was released today, from the makers of Three Angels and Road Gi by Mischief Maker 06/04/2007, 8:12pm PDT NEW
                                    My grandfather got me the original nintendo Bubble Bobble for my 11th birthday. by All-Caps Forum Conquistadora Zseni! 06/04/2007, 8:54pm PDT NEW
                                        WHY DONT PEOPLE THINK THE SAME AS ME!!!!! NT by Time for a new rule! 06/04/2007, 10:32pm PDT NEW
                                        They're talking about a virtual bubble bobble pinball table. by Worm 06/05/2007, 12:05pm PDT NEW
                                            Re: They're talking about a virtual bubble bobble pinball table. by All-Caps Forum Conquistadora Zseni! 06/05/2007, 12:34pm PDT NEW
                                                Having never played the table in question, I think you may have a point. NT by Jerry Whorebach 06/05/2007, 12:57pm PDT NEW
                                    I'm sneaking Future Pinballs sessions in at work! by Fussbett 06/05/2007, 11:26am PDT NEW
                                        Re: I'm sneaking Future Pinballs sessions in at work! by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2007, 2:05pm PDT NEW
                                            Some pinball tables have a recess that traps your ball and then shoots it out by Ray of Light 06/05/2007, 3:37pm PDT NEW
                                                Re: Some pinball tables have a recess that traps your ball and then shoots it ou by Bruce Lee's mother-in-law 06/05/2007, 7:19pm PDT NEW
                                                    I always imagined Zseni sounding like my mother. NT by Someone who calls his mom 'mother'. 06/05/2007, 7:58pm PDT NEW
                                                        That's got to make imaginary sex with either of them even more troubling :( NT by Jerry Whorebach 06/05/2007, 8:21pm PDT NEW
                                                            Psh, Provincial North Americans. by Oedipus 06/05/2007, 9:32pm PDT NEW
                                                    Re: Some pinball tables have a recess that traps your ball and then shoots it ou by Bruce Lee's mother-in-law 06/06/2007, 12:46am PDT NEW
                                        Goddamn it by Entropy Stew 06/05/2007, 8:47pm PDT NEW
                                            HA ha ha! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2007, 10:49pm PDT NEW
                                                I spent like 3 hours adjusting those rails at the top :( NT by Entropy Stew 06/05/2007, 11:39pm PDT NEW
                                                    Re: I spent like 3 hours adjusting those rails at the top :( by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/06/2007, 9:47am PDT NEW
                                                        Go nuts, and be sure to shoot me a link to whatever it is you're doing by Entropy Stew 06/06/2007, 10:07am PDT NEW
                                                            Re: Go nuts, and be sure to shoot me a link to whatever it is you're doing by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/06/2007, 1:41pm PDT NEW
                                                                sent NT by Entropy Stew 06/06/2007, 3:03pm PDT NEW
                                            I hope making this has sparked a fire within you! by Fussbett 06/05/2007, 11:44pm PDT NEW
                                                "About Caltrops" NT by Ray of Light 06/05/2007, 11:47pm PDT NEW
                                                It turns out it sparked a fire within ME! by Fussbett 06/08/2007, 2:51am PDT NEW
                                                    POSITIVE! NT by Entropy Stew 06/08/2007, 2:54am PDT NEW
                                                        Does this table have a Bipolar Mode? NT by Entropy Stew 06/08/2007, 9:58am PDT NEW
                                                    I must play this game. This is the table to end all tables. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/08/2007, 2:56am PDT NEW
                                                    You must include Senior B flexing with his knife, possibly with a Mushroom cloud NT by Mischief Maker 06/08/2007, 5:42pm PDT NEW
                                                        No! by Fussbett 06/08/2007, 7:08pm PDT NEW
                                            Beta 2 by Entropy Stew 06/06/2007, 9:40pm PDT NEW
                                                Ball often finds its way back to entrance gate and gets stuck there by Ray of Light 06/06/2007, 10:48pm PDT NEW
                                                    I noticed that and did nothing about it by Entropy Stew 06/06/2007, 11:17pm PDT NEW
                                        spoiler by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/30/2008, 1:11pm PST NEW
        New version of 3 Angels just came out! by Mischief Maker 12/28/2008, 9:39am PST NEW
            I'll check by Fussbett 12/28/2008, 9:59am PST NEW
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